On August 23, 2019, the Ontario government announced that it would engage youth, families, caregivers, frontline workers and child welfare sector leaders to provide input concerning the child welfare system. The consultation process is aimed at addressing certain challenges identified by the government.
Publication Name: FTR Now
Arbitrator Determines That Pregnant Firefighters Can Be Accommodated Outside of 24 Hour Shifts
A recent arbitral decision from Arbitrator Jasbir Parmar has provided some much needed clarification on municipalities’ obligations when accommodating pregnant firefighters on 24 hour shifts.
If You Are Subject to the Canada Business Corporations Act, Take Note of New Record-Keeping Obligations
Effective June 13, 2019, corporations that are subject to the Canada Business Corporations Act must maintain and provide access to a register of individuals who, directly or indirectly, have “significant control” over the corporation.
Ontario Proposes Significant Changes to Wage Restraint and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector
Following through on a consultation process that was kicked off on April 4, 2019, the Ontario government has introduced legislation that, if passed, would significantly impact most broader public sector employers.
The End of Health and Welfare Trusts: Proposed Amendments to the Income Tax Act (Canada)
On May 27, 2019, the federal Department of Finance announced proposed amendments to the Income Tax Act (Canada) (ITA), to facilitate the conversion of existing Health and Welfare Trusts (HWTs) into Employee Life and Health Trusts (ELHTs), and to improve the existing ELHT rules. Comments on the proposed ITA amendments are invited by July 31, 2019…
Advanced Planning Required for New Changes to OMERS
Since we first reported on the recently adopted changes to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) to eliminate the 35-year cap on credited service; and expand the normal retirement age 60 opportunity to paramedic employee groups.
Changes to Ontario’s Annuity Purchase and Discharge Rules – Bill 57 Amendments and Draft Supporting Regulations
New draft regulations support and provide additional details respecting the rules governing annuity purchases and related statutory discharges under the Pension Benefits Act. Learn more in this FTR Now.
Ontario’s New Variable Benefits Regime for Defined Contribution Plans – Draft Regulations
With the release of draft regulations, Ontario moves a step closer to allowing variable benefits to be paid directly from defined contribution pension plans.
Federal Government Tables 2019 Budget Bill
On April 8, 2019, the federal government introduced Bill C-97, Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1, for first reading. Bill C-97 is omnibus legislation enacting certain measures outlined in the 2019 Federal Budget. Below are some of the key amendments of interest to employers, pension plan administrators and human resources professionals.
Ontario Budget 2019: Protecting What Matters Most – Key Human Resources Highlights
On April 11, 2019, the Ontario government tabled its 2019 Budget, Protecting What Matters Most (Budget), and introduced supporting implementation legislation, Bill 100, the Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100).
The Budget outlines key initiatives around broader public sector compensation, reforms within the healthcare sector, registered pension plans, freedom of information, and more. In this FTR Now, we highlight the proposals that are of particular interest to employers, benefits plan administrators and human resources professionals.