Arbitrator Finds Co-ordinator Duties Should Be Considered in Assessing Whether a Professor Has Sessional Status

An arbitration award in St Lawrence College and OPSEU Local 417 rendered on March 26, 2018 is potentially very significant to the distribution of work between full-time, sessional, partial load and part-time professors by a college. This College Update reviews the award and its possible impact on college staffing decisions going forward.

Pension Funding Reform Continues: Taking Aim at Target Benefit Multi-Employer Pension Plans

Pension plans that meet the definition of specified Ontario multi-employer pension plans (SOMEPPs) are one step closer to having the option to convert accrued defined benefits (DB) to target benefits (TB) – and one step closer to a permanent exemption from solvency funding. If your organization participates in a SOMEPP, find out what this could mean for your organization in this FTR Now.

Bill 148 and Collective Bargaining in the Social Services Sector

Many Social Services agencies across Ontario are currently in collective bargaining, or will be shortly. With key Bill 148 amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA), the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act now in force, planning your strategic approach is essential to achieving outcomes that will work for your organization, and support your mandate. Learn how you can prepare for the bargaining table in this FTR Now..

Ontario Budget 2018

On March 28, 2018, the Ontario government tabled its 2018 Budget, A Plan for Care and Opportunity and introduced Bill 31, the Plan for Care and Opportunity Act (Budget Measures), 2018. The Budget outlines key initiatives around retirement security and pension reform, healthcare, education, further initiatives to specifically address gender equality issues, representation of women, and more…

It’s All in the Timing – Minimum Standards and When Employees Are Considered to be “Working”

In this edition of the Monitor, we will summarize a few recent cases on the topic of when an employee is “working” and entitled to compensation. These cases demonstrate that not all travel time is compensable, that pre-employment training time can be compensable, and that an employer can determine that a meal break must be taken in the workplace as long as it is uninterrupted.

Federal Budget 2018

On February 27, 2018 the federal government tabled its 2018 Budget, Equality & Growth: A Strong Middle Class (Budget). The Budget contains several key initiatives, including a new Employment Insurance parental sharing benefit, the permanent extension and expansion of the Employment Insurance Working While on Claim pilot project…

Planning to Give Notice of Mass Termination under the ESA? What Employers Should Know

In a decision rendered on September 26, 2017, an Ontario court held that an employer violated the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) when it failed to file a Form 1 with the Ministry of Labour (MOL) on the same date that that the employer provided approximately 12 months’ working notice of termination to 77 employees. As a result, the employer was not given any credit for the working notice period that preceded the date it filed the Form 1 with the MOL – a period of over one year. Rather, common law damages will be assessed on the basis of a much smaller working notice period of less than 8 weeks. This decision signals that the failure to file a Form 1 contemporaneously with the giving of notice of mass termination may have costly implications for employers.