On Tuesday, March 27, the Ontario Government introduced its 2012 Budget, which is entitled Strong Action for Ontario (the “Budget”). The Government also introduced Bill 55, the Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (“Bill 55”), omnibus legislation designed to implement a number of the proposals contained in the Budget. The Budget sets out…
Publication Type: Article
Ontario to Table Budget Later Today
Finance Minister Dwight Duncan will be tabling the Government’s much-anticipated 2012 Budget at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. The Budget comes on the heels of the Drummond Report, which was released in mid-February and which recommended sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service and the delivery of a variety government programs….
Jurisdiction of an Arbitrator to Examine Procedures Issued by the Chief of Police
In two recent decisions involving the Toronto Police Services Board (“TPSB”) and the Toronto Police Association (“TPA”), Arbitrator Paula Knopf held that she lacked jurisdiction to hear grievances that challenged certain Procedures issued by the Chief of Police. In both cases, the TPSB raised successful preliminary objections and argued that the arbitrator lacked jurisdiction as…
Enhanced Disclosures in Pension Plan Annual Statements
Under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) pension plan administrators are required to provide annual statements to active plan members within six months of the plan year-end. With many plans having a December 30 or 31 year-end, a large number of administrators are now in the process of preparing statements for 2011. The PBA Regulations…
Misuse of Confidential Information – Are You Prepared?
An employee’s misuse of confidential information housed on computers or electronically can expose an employer’s business to serious risk of harm and potential liability. Improperly managed, these situations can create a crisis: witness Bank of America and the WikiLeaks threat. Hicks Morley has been successful in assisting clients who have had their confidential information misused…
New Education Act Amendments Introduced Relating to Concussions
On March 6, 2012, the Ontario government introduced Bill 39, Education Amendment Act (Concussions), 2012, new legislation that would, if passed, amend Part XIII.1 of the Education Act, and empower the Minister of Education to set policies and guidelines respecting head injuries and concussions suffered by pupils. We highlight a few key proposed amendments below….
Court Clarifies Evidence Required to Establish Prima Facie Case of Discrimination
For employers and service providers appearing before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”), a recent decision of the Divisional Court involving racial profiling will be of interest. The decision, Peel Law Association v. Pieters, provides significant clarification on the evidence required to establish a prima facie case of discrimination. In this FTR Now we…
Bill 119 – What You Need To Know
Bill 119, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008, makes insurance coverage mandatory for certain categories of persons operating in the construction industry (independent operators, sole proprietors, partners in partnerships and executive officers of a corporation). This FTR Now outlines these significant new changes and suggests the next steps individuals contracting with contractors and…
Ontario Confirms Average Full-Day Kindergarten Class Size
On March 2, 2012, the Ontario government filed important new amendments to the class size regulation under the Education Act for full-day junior kindergarten and kindergarten classes. The amendments, which come into force on September 1, 2012, are intended to assist school boards which have kindergarten class size maxima in their teachers’ collective agreements that…
The Drummond Report – Impact on the Broader Public Sector
On February 15, 2012, the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services (the “Commission”) released its long-awaited, 543-page report (the “Report”, commonly referred to as the “Drummond Report”) which identifies sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service (“BPS”). In our companion FTR Now, Drummond Commission Reports on Elementary and…