Raising the Bar – Eighth Edition

Dear Readers, With the first big snowfall and the coming of the holiday season, we’re thrilled to bring you the Winter 2014 edition of Raising the Bar. This time, we’re doing something a little different. Rather than our usual format, we’re devoting this entire issue to a topic that clients have been increasingly asking us…

2014 Fall Edition

FOCUS ON UNIVERSITIES Universities – higher learning in the HR world LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Pillars of success: a “best practices” approach to post-secondary accommodation issues Top ten tips for medical information management PROFILE It’s academic Download PDF

2014 Summer Edition

Focus on Information Management and Privacy Information and privacy – the HR sphere and beyond Legal Developments A diminished expectation: computer use policies and privacy in the post- world New policy sheds light on gender discrimination prevention People Privacy, please Download PDF

Reaching Out – Sixth Edition

Dear Friends, With summer heating up, burning human resources issues continue to smolder as well. At Hicks Morley, we hope that you are enjoying the summer sunshine and we welcome you to the Summer 2014 Edition of Reaching Out, designed to address a number of relevant practical issues of particular interest and application to management…

2014 Spring Edition

FOCUS ON MINIMUM STANDARDS Minimum standards, maximum complications LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Minimize your risk: mental stress and the WSIB Minimum standards changes – an update for federal and provincial employers PROFILE From the lab to labour law Download PDF

Reaching Out – Fifth Edition

Dear Friends, Well, the verdict is in. Six more weeks of winter according to our furry rodent weather prognosticators! And what better way to fill those cold blustery evenings than something interesting and topical to read? Welcome to the Winter 2014 Edition of Reaching Out, our newsletter specifically focussed on issues relevant, and of particular…

Recent Award on DECE Breaks: Implications for School Boards

In an arbitration award released on January 17, 2014, Arbitrator George Surdykowski ruled that Designated Early Childhood Educators (“DECEs”) may not be scheduled to take breaks during the instructional day “unless appropriate and permissible replacement arrangements are made”. The Award makes it clear that such “arrangements” must involve the scheduling of a “replacement DECE” so…