Arbitrator Sheehan recently dismissed a grievance by the Hamilton Professional Fire Fighters’ Association which asserted that the denial of a claim for payment of the grievor’s spouse’s medical marijuana breached the collective agreement. The grievor had submitted a claim to Manulife under the City of Hamilton’s benefit plan, seeking reimbursement for its costs. He had…
Tag: Arbitration
Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Labour and Employment Law Section Program
Co-Chair Jodi Gallagher-Healy Topic Practice Makes Perfect: Becoming a Better Labour Advocate
Osgoode Certificate in Labour Law (Modules 2 and 3)
Topic Collective Bargaining Grievance Arbitration: Protecting Rights and Resolving Conflicts Agenda
Osgoode Certificate in Labour Law (Module 3)
Topic Grievance Arbitration: Protecting Rights and Resolving Conflicts
Osgoode Certificate in Labour Law (Module 3)
Topic Litigating Human Rights Claims at Arbitration
Osgoode Certificate in Labour Law (Module 3)
Topic Litigating Human Rights Claims at Arbitration
National Academy of Arbitrators 2008 Annual Meeting
Topics The End of Mandatory Retirement: What Does it Mean for Arbitrators and Arbitral Issues? Difficult Accommodation Cases
Arbitrator Upholds Discharge of Long Service Employee with Clean Record for Theft
In a recent arbitration decision involving a case of petty theft in the workplace, an arbitrator provided very useful guidance on workplace theft and the mitigating factors an employer should take into account in determining the penalty. The…
Arbitrators Consider Whether Statutory Freeze Applies to MOU Provisions
In an award dated July 30, 2015 [1] (“CSDCEO Award”), Arbitrator Rowan held that the 97-day delay in salary grid movement for teachers, imposed in various teacher collective agreements by a centrally agreed Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”), was subject to the statutory freeze in the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (the “LRA”). Therefore, the provision could not…
OLRB Refuses to hear CUPE Job Security Complaint
In a significant unfair labour practice case, Canadian Union of Public Employees v. Algoma District School Board, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB”) held that CUPE’s complaints regarding the alleged alteration of employment terms by ten school boards during the statutory freeze period had to proceed through local grievance and arbitration procedures, rather than as an…