In a session titled “Health & Safety 101,” Sean Reginio will discuss school board obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and associated implications under the Ontario Human Rights Code as well as the impact of the OHSA on special education students, teachers and other educational workers.
Training & Event Type: Speaking Engagement
The Ontario Bar Association: Employment Law Class Actions
As an experienced class action litigator and one of the program speakers, Elisha Jamieson-Davies will examine current issues and ongoing actions on misclassification. She will also discuss the development of class action cases regarding diversity, equity and inclusion policies and employer hiring practices.
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA): Decoding the Codes: What’s the Impact of Bills 79 and 149?
In a session titled, “New Year, New Law: Unveiling Bill 79 and Anticipating Bill 149 – Insights for Success,” Diane Harbin will begin by decoding Bill 79 and examining recent updates to the legislation. She will discuss crucial provisions such as the inclusion of remote workers in the establishment definition, mass termination obligations and heightened fines for occupational health and safety violations.
The Law Society of Ontario: The Employment Agreement: Key Clauses 2024
In “Five Trends to Consider,” Rebecca will examine trends such as remote work rules, non-disclosure agreements and arbitration clauses and how these factor in when drafting an employment agreement. The Law Society of Ontario’s annual program focuses on different key or novel clauses, examining the impact of recent case law and legislative changes, while providing valuable precedent language.
The Law Society of Ontario: The Eight-Minute Labour Lawyer
The Law Society of Ontario’s “Eight-Minute” series is the go-to program for legal practitioners. At this year’s event, Allison MacIsaac will present a session titled, “How to Be Creative and Legal in Settlements.”
HRnet Communitech Peer2Peer Group: Legal Update
Kathryn Meehan and Evon Gayle will be providing a legal update during a session hosted by HRnet Communitech Peer2Peer Group, a hub for HR professionals in the tech sector.
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA): 2024 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium
Designed for school board trustees, labour relations practitioners, human resources practitioners, supervisory officers and directors of education, this year’s Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium will feature informative keynote speakers, panels and workshops on innovation and transformation in a changing labour relations environment.
Construction Labour & Employment Relations Conference
Overview The Construction Labour & Employment Relations Conference is uniquely designed to foster relevant and timely discussion driven by the needs of senior executives and professionals representing Canadian building trades unions and construction employers. Through candid debate, panel discussions and expert-led presentations, seasoned practitioners and leading advisors will examine significant legislative developments and emerging labour…
Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA): HR Navigator Line: Labour Disruption Contingency Planning: The City of Mississauga Experience
This session will be delivered by Hicks Morley’s own Mark Mason along with Joshua Doreen-Harfield from the City of Mississauga and Karen Gordon of Gordon Strategies.
Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) and Hicks Morley: Competing Rights: What You Need to Know
Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell and Armin Sohrevardi will deliver a training session designed to help elected officials navigate sensitive situations that pit rights of one group against the rights of others.