Hicks Morley’s Stephanie Jeronimo and Julia Nanos co-authored two articles in the summer edition of ECHO, a newsletter published by the Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association. In the first article, entitled “New ESA Provisions now in Effect (Don’t Forget about the Posters!)“, the new rules are reviewed and the impact they will have on municipal employers. In…

Hicks Morley’s Stephanie Jeronimo and Julia Nanos co-authored an article in the winter edition of ECHO, a newsletter published by the Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association. In the article, entitled “Off-Duty Social Media Posts by Employees can be Cause for Discipline – Including Discharge” three recent arbitrations are examined, where the grievors had been discharged for off-duty posts…

Hicks Morley’s George Vuicic was quoted in the February 2015 edition of Canadian Lawyer InHouse in an article entitled, “Court releases ‘game-changing’ decision on federally regulated employees.” This article discusses the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision in Wilson v. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. where it held that federally regulated employers may dismiss employees without…

An article by Hicks Morley’s Michael Hines was published in the September edition of International Employment Lawyer Newsletter. In the article entitled, “Canada – Freedom of Association under the Charter: Snake or Tree?“, Michael discusses recent contradictory judicial decisions concerning the “right to strike” asserted under section 2(d) of the Charter as interpreted by the…