COVID-19 and Workplace Preparedness

Health officials in Canada have stated that the risk of contracting COVID-19 remains very low. That said, in recent weeks the virus has been top of mind for many, including employers. In this FTR Now, we discuss workplace pandemic planning and operational issues employers should be anticipating in the unlikely event of an outbreak.

Attendance Management Training Workshop

Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces. From administering an attendance management plan, to dealing with chronic absenteeism, to terminating an employee’s employment for failure to report to work, employers are often treading cautiously so as not to infringe on an employee’s privacy or human rights.

Accommodation Training Workshop

There’s no such thing as “textbook” accommodation. Whether your employee has a challenging physical or mental disability that impacts their ability to do the job, childcare problems that interfere with their performance, faith-related obligations or is in the process of transitioning, how you respond to that individual’s request – or don’t – can mean significant liability for your organization. Are you prepared?

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: workplace harassment and violence complaints, discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code, employee misconduct, such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft, health and safety complaints.

New Year – New Standard of Review

Just prior to the end of 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada established a new framework that is designed to guide lower courts on applying the standard of review in judicial review applications. The Court’s long-awaited “trilogy” of cases in Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Vavilov and the two companion appeals heard together in Bell Canada v. Canada (Attorney General) represents an express departure and evolution from the framework that the Court set out in the case of Dunsmuir decided over a decade ago.

Changes Are Coming to the Justice System in Ontario

On December 9, 2019, the Ontario government tabled Bill 161, Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2019, omnibus legislation that, if passed, would enact significant changes to the justice system through amendments to numerous statutes. Set out below is a brief summary of the notable changes to the Class Proceedings Act, 1992, the Courts of Justice…

WSIB Schedule 1 Regulation Filed Further to New Rate Framework

In anticipation of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s new Rate Framework implementation date of January 1, 2020, the Ontario government filed Ontario Regulation 417/19 which amends O. Reg. 175/98 (General Regulation) made under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. O. Reg. 417/19 revokes and replaces Schedule 1 of the General Regulation, to reflect…

Sexual Harassment Incident Response Workshop

Your new hire is alleging that she was sexually harassed by the VP Sales Canada at an industry event – and before you can investigate, the incident goes viral. You know how to run an investigation, but how will you manage everything else about the incident? And what happens when things go off the rails?