The Summer 2020 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyers.
The Spring 2020 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyers. In the article “Court Upholds Decision Finding Firefighter’s Heart Attack Was Not Work-related,” Jessica Toldo and Amanda Cohen discuss a recent decision of the Ontario Divisional Court, where it dismissed an application for judicial review of a decision by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Tribunal (WSIAT) denying benefits under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 to the estate of a firefighter who died of a heart attack in 2010.
The Winter 2020 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyers. In the article “The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Highlights the Requirement for Co-operation in the Accommodation Process,” Amanda Cohen and Jessica Toldo discuss a recent decision of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal that provides support for the proposition that there may be recourse to termination where an employee refuses to co-operate in providing medical documentation…
The Fall 2019 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Amanda Cohen and Jessica Toldo. In the article “Divisional Court Reaffirms the Orillia Hospital Test for Accommodation,” the authors discuss a recent decision by the Ontario Divisional Court which quashed the decisions of the Arbitrator in a workplace accommodation related case.
Hicks Morley’s Mark Mason, Jessica Toldo and Amanda Cohen authored an article in the Canadian Employment Law Today titled “Pregnant Firefighters Can Be Accommodated Outside of 24-hour Shifts: Arbitrator.” The article discusses a recent Ontario arbitral that provided clarification on municipalities’ obligations when accommodating pregnant firefighters on 24 hour shifts. The arbitrator dismissed the Association’s…
The Summer 2019 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyers. In the article “Advanced Planning Required by Municipalities to Respond to New Changes to OMERS,” Natasha Monkman discusses how Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System participating employers will need to plan in advance to respond to the changes that will be made effective on January 1, 2021…
The Spring 2019 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Amanda Cohen and Jessica Toldo.
The Winter 2018 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyers. In the article “New Enhancements to OMERS Benefits – What Municipal Employers Need to Know”…
The Fall 2018 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles co-authored by Hicks Morley lawyer Jessica Toldo.
In the article “Considerations for Municipal Employers When Drafting Termination Clauses in Employment Contracts,” Jessica discusses the importance of municipal employers having a clear and well-crafted termination provision to minimize the risk that a reviewing court will find the clause to be unenforceable, should litigation arise and highlight five key considerations when drafting termination clauses in light of some important developments in the case law.
The second article authored by Jessica, “HRTO Determines Requiring Proof of Eligibility to Work in Canada on a Permanent Basis is Discriminatory,” reviews a recent case where the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario found that a pre-employment ‘permanence requirement’ was discriminatory on the basis of the applicant’s citizenship.
Hicks Morley’s Jessica Toldo authored an article in Employment and Labour Law Reporter titled “Pay Equity Compliance: An Update From The Supreme Court of Canada.” The article discusses two decisions by The Supreme Court of Canada pertaining to Quebec’s Pay Equity Act (Act) that serve as a reminder to all employers of the importance of complying with their governing pay equity legislation….
The Summer 2018 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyer Jessica Toldo. In the article “Landmark Decision Finds FIPPA’s Delay / Block of Public Access to Adjudicative Records of Administrative Tribunals Unconstitutional,” Jessica discusses the Toronto Star v AG Ontario case where a landmark decision prompted by the Toronto Star, the Superior Court of Justice found…
The April 30, 2018 issue of Labour Notes® newsletter features an article authored by Hicks Morley lawyer Jessica Toldo. In this article “HRTO Finds No Discrimination Where Use of Medical Marijuana at Worksite Breached Zero Tolerance Policy”, Jessica examines a recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) which found that an employer did not discriminate against the applicant when his employment was terminated for smoking marijuana while at work…
The Spring 2018 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Hicks Morley lawyer Jessica Toldo. “Harassment in the Workplace: Considerations for Employers” and “The WSIB Chronic Mental Health Policy: What Municipal Employers Need to Know and How it Will Impact Them”…