Hicks Morley Lawyers Featured in the Canadian Employment Law Today on Pregnancy Accommodation for Firefighter

Hicks Morley’s Mark Mason, Jessica Toldo and Amanda Cohen authored an article in the Canadian Employment Law Today titled “Pregnant Firefighters Can Be Accommodated Outside of 24-hour Shifts: Arbitrator.” The article discusses a recent Ontario arbitral that provided clarification on municipalities’ obligations when accommodating pregnant firefighters on 24 hour shifts. The arbitrator dismissed the Association’s…

Family Status and Accommodation

Family status is one of fastest growing areas of human rights law. Increasingly, adjudicators are focusing on whether employers have met their procedural obligations under the Human Rights Code. The following checklist will help you develop an effective internal process for assessing and responding to requests for accommodation on the basis of family status.

Federal Accessibility Legislation Now Passed

On June 21, 2019, Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act (Act) passed as amended by the Senate and received Royal Assent. The provisions of this Act come into force on a day to fixed by order of the Governor in Council. As we previously reported, the Act is accessibility legislation which impacts certain federally regulated…

Gender Identity and Gender Expression

Gender identity and gender expression are protected grounds under Ontario’s Human Rights Code (Code). While the law in this area is highly dynamic, this Client Toolkit provides employers with guidelines and best practices for understanding its unique aspects, supporting trans people in the workplace, and ensuring compliance with the Code.

Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA) 2019 Conference: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

Overview Topic: Sexual Harassment – Creating a Culture of Safer Workplaces This presentation will explore how employers can create safer workplaces for all employees with the development of advanced inclusion and equity policies and programs. The presentation will also explore opportunities to restore workplace relations, among workers directly involved, as well as bystanders, which have…