Beyond COVID-19: 2021 Year in Review – Cases and Legislation of Note

Employers and human resource professionals will undoubtedly remember 2021 as another year shaped by the pandemic. But … there were also legal developments in 2021 that were not related to COVID-19. In this FTR Now, we look at some of the year’s notable “non-pandemic” cases and legislative developments of interest.

Year-End Roundup

We are back with another edition of Reaching Out. With 2021 drawing to a close, we thought it appropriate to update you on some non-COVID-19-related developments.

Appellate Court Confirms that Employers are not Obligated to Negotiate with Unions in Maintaining Pay Equity

On September 21, 2021, the Ontario Divisional Court issued Ontario Nurses’ Association v. 10 Community Care Access Centres, an important decision on pay equity maintenance. The Court confirmed that a union, in the context of seeking a joint process with an employer to maintain pay equity, does not have a right to negotiate the maintenance…

Shauna Bartlett

Shauna Bartlett provides advice and representation to employers and management in both the public and private sectors on a wide range of labour, employment and human rights issues arising from the workplace. This includes wrongful dismissal actions, collective bargaining, labour disputes, grievance arbitrations, occupational health and safety, human rights and accommodation and employment standards.

Colleen Nevison

Colleen provides advice to employers and management in both the private and public sectors on a wide range of labour and employment issues. With past experience in workplace psychology, Colleen is able to assist in creating a workplace that is productive, collaborative and supportive for employers and employees.

Advantage CPD: Federal Pay Equity Webinar

Please note registration for this event is now closed. Fee: Complimentary Overview With the introduction of the federal Pay Equity Act (Act), many federally regulated employers will soon be subject to a proactive pay equity scheme. The Act comes into force on August 31, 2021 and employers should be preparing for the expected changes. Format In this…

Federal Ministry of Labour Launches Task Force to Review Employment Equity Act

On July 14, 2021, the federal Minister of Labour announced that it has launched a Task Force with the purpose of “making concrete, independent and evidence-based recommendations to the Minister of Labour on how to modernize” the Employment Equity Act (Act). The Task Force is looking into issues surrounding employment equity and inclusion in federally…

Important Updates Regarding the Federal Pay Equity Act, the Canada Labour Code and CLC Regulations

In this Federal Post, we cover recent developments with respect to the federal Pay Equity Act, amendments to the Canada Labour Code (CLC) and highlight the proposed amendments to the CLC Regulations that are currently open for public consultation. Federal Pay Equity Act In Force on August 31, 2021 By: Lucy Wu The federal Pay…

HRPA Pay Equity Certificate

From April 26 – April 28, 2021, Carolyn Kay will instruct the HRPA Pay Equity Certificate program. Topics covered: Module 1: The Ontario Pay Equity Act: Introduction and Enforcement April 26:  8:30AM -12:30PM Module 2: Achievement of Pay Equity April 27:  8:30AM -12:30PM Module 3: Maintaining Pay Equity and Consequences of Non-Compliance April 28: 8:30AM…

Reaching Out – Fifteenth Edition

Dear Friends, We are back with another edition of Reaching Out. With 2020 behind us and some light at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic tunnel, we thought it appropriate to reconnect with our Social Services clients with a Spring edition of Reaching Out. We chose not to publish Reaching Out last year as we…