An Ontario labour arbitrator has upheld a grievance challenging the reduction of life insurance coverage for employees who die after having reached age 65, finding that the relevant provision of the insurance policy had not been incorporated into the collective agreement. In the same decision, the arbitrator dismissed two policy grievances challenging the termination of…
Human Resources Legislative Update
On March 11, 2021, Accessibility Standards Canada updated its resources page to provide accessibility guidelines for COVID-19 or other emergencies. These guidelines offer practical information for persons with disabilities, including employees, and employers on a range of topics that are highlighted below. Accessible practices for returning to the workplace addresses accessibility barriers that may exist…
Federal Post
The federal government is seeking input from interested participants on the development of federal accessibility standards under the Accessible Canada Act (Act), which came into force in July 2019.
HR HealthCheck
On May 13, 2020, the Ontario government issued an order (O. Reg. 210/20, Management of Long-Term Care Homes in Outbreak) (Order) made under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act which is intended to provide long-term care homes with additional assistance in managing COVID-19 outbreaks.
HR HealthCheck
On April 14, 2020, the Ontario government issued an Emergency Order (Order) pursuant to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) which relates specifically to staffing issues in Ontario’s long-term care sector. The Order, O. Reg. 146/20, Limiting Work to a Single Long-Term Care Home, creates immediate obligations for both long-term care employers and employees working in long-term care homes. Once the requirements of the Order are met, the Order will effectively impose a “single-employer” rule for employees in this sector, preventing them from working for more than one Health Service Provider or retirement home until the Order is lifted.
New Long-Term Care Homes Emergency Order Issued
· 1 min readOn Friday, March 27, 2020, the Ontario government issued a second Emergency Order to specifically address the Long-Term Care Homes sector (O. Reg 95/20: Streamlining Requirements for Long-Term Care Homes).
On Monday, March 23, 2020, the Ontario government issued an Emergency Order granting Ontario Health Service Providers broad authority to take all reasonable steps necessary to staff as needed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has now taken two significant steps to grant similar authority to Long-Term Care home providers and Municipal Homes for the Aged to address the staffing issues which may arise due to the emerging pandemic.
AODA Compliance: Are You Ready to File Your Report?
· 12 min readAll organizations in Ontario employing at least one employee are required to comply with a series of requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) standards and regulations. For organizations with 20 or more employees, the next mandatory reporting deadline is December 31, 2017. Learn more about your pending and future AODA compliance obligations and our AODA Compliance Checklist for employers in this FTR Now.
An arbitrator recently upheld the dismissal of a three and one-half year employee who had posted humiliating and threatening comments about a co-worker on Facebook. Among other things, she found that the grievor’s actions, while done off-duty, created a poisoned work environment. In so finding, the arbitrator considered the employer’s workplace violence and harassment policy….
Case In Point
In a recent labour arbitration award, Arbitrator Laura Trachuk upheld the dismissal of a three and one-half year employee for posting vicious, humiliating and threatening comments about a co-worker on Facebook. While the Arbitrator left many specifics out of her decision in order to protect the identities of those involved, this decision serves as an…
On May 2, 2014, the Federal Court of Appeal unanimously upheld the findings of the Federal Court concerning an employer’s obligation to provide workplace accommodation for an employee’s childcare needs in Canada (Attorney General) v. Johnstone (“Johnstone“), a case that has garnered significant media attention. As the first decision from an appellate-level court on this…
Reaching Out
Reaching Out – Fifth Edition
· 35 min readDear Friends, Well, the verdict is in. Six more weeks of winter according to our furry rodent weather prognosticators! And what better way to fill those cold blustery evenings than something interesting and topical to read? Welcome to the Winter 2014 Edition of Reaching Out, our newsletter specifically focussed on issues relevant, and of particular…
FTR Quarterly
2014 Winter Edition
· 1 min readFOCUS ON SOCIAL SERVICES Balancing interests – legal challenges in the social services sector LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS The changing status of family status Workplace investigations: avoiding common pitfalls PROFILE Class act Download PDF
Reaching Out
Reaching Out – Fourth Edition
· 29 min readDear Friends, It is that time of year again, and after a summer hiatus and a relatively warm fall there is no doubt the air now feels a little crisper and autumn is in full swing. This weekend we gain an extra hour (theoretically at least) as the clocks fall back and it is our…
Reaching Out
Reaching Out – First Edition
· 21 min readDear Friends, The Social Service Sector Practice Group is pleased to introduce its first FTR Now edition of Reaching Out. Reaching Out is our Social Service Update designed to provide you with legal updates on new and developing cases, trends and topics that are relevant to your sector and which provide you with information and…