A recent decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal, Ontario (Labour) v. New Mex Canada Inc., confirms that it will only be in the rarest of cases where a jail sentence is seen to be appropriate in an occupational health and safety case, considering the weight the principle of deterrence should have on sentences given…
Practice Area: Occupational Health
Preventing Workplace Violence and Harassment – A Guide for Ontario Employers
In this Preventing Workplace Violence and Harassment Guide, we provide an overview of the workplace violence and harassment provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and outline what employers need to do in order to comply, including the development of policies and programs, conducting risk assessments and more.
Government Invites Comments on Proposed Amendments to Mines and Mining Plants Regulation under OHSA
The Ministry of Labour is proposing various amendments to Regulation 854 (Mines and Mining Plants) made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Regulation 854 applies to all mines, mining plants, and mining development in Ontario. It sets out sector-specific requirements protecting the health and safety of workers. The Ministry has prepared a consultation…
Reaching Out – Fourteenth Edition
Dear Friends, Welcome to our Winter 2019 edition of Reaching Out. The last 18 months have been a tumultuous time in employment law in Ontario. We saw the introduction of sweeping changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995 in January 2018, only to see many of them repealed in January…
FTR Quarterly – Issue 12
In This Issue: Year in Review – Key Human Resources Law Developments of 2018, The Road Ahead: Human Resources Trends and Issues to Watch in 2019 and more!
Hicks Morley Repeatedly Hits the Centre of the Bull’s-Eye for Labour Relations, Employment & Pensions The 2019 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada
Hicks Morley is pleased to announce that the firm is consistently ranked as the leading law firm in the “Labour Relations, Employment and Pensions Lawyers Who’s Who: Toronto” according to The 2019 Lexpert®/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada. Practice groups included in this category are employment law, labour relations, labour relations (construction sector), occupational health & safety,…
Health and Safety Disclosure Obligations: What You Need to Know
What information is a school board required to provide to its joint health and safety committee (JHSC)? Following Arbitrator Parmar’s decision earlier this year in Toronto Catholic District School Board v. Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (Grievance re Health and Safety) (Award), many unions are demanding that school boards provide additional student-related information to the JHSC. Learn more about the decision – and what your organization should consider before complying with these requests – in this School Board Update.
The Right to Disconnect and More: Final Federal Post of 2018
In this smartphone and email-intensive world, should there be a “right to disconnect”? In our final Federal Post of 2018, George Vuicic looks at this question, which was discussed in the federal government’s recent report on modernizing federal labour standards. Find out what’s happening on the legislative front. Kim Pepper reviews new legislation requiring the…
FTR Quarterly – Issue 11
In This Issue Considering Cannabis Coverage under Benefits Plans Recreational Cannabis and Your Workplace: Five Steps to Consider Featured Topic – Cannabis Expertise Featured Articles Considering Cannabis Coverage under Benefits Plans By: Natasha D. Monkman With the legalization of recreational cannabis on October 17, 2018, employers across Canada have been preparing to answer questions about whether…
’Tis the Season: Holiday Tips for Employers
With the holiday season just around the corner, many of us are preparing for the seasonal festivities, which may include workplace celebrations. It is important that employers, whether large or small, take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other workplace celebrations.