365 Results

Reaching Out

Dear Friends, We hope that you are able to find some time this summer to relax and recharge. Before you do, we wanted to bring to your attention some developments that may be important for your social services organization. As part of an employer’s ongoing obligation to provide a safe workplace, it is important to…

Case In Point

A recent Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) decision found that two teachers engaged in a lawful work refusal when they refused to return to work following a classroom incident where a student engaged in a violent episode against another staff member. In Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association v Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, three teachers…

Human Resources Legislative Update

The Ontario government is inviting comments on proposed amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) found in Bill 190, Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190). We discussed Bill 190 in our FTR Now of May 7, 2024 Ontario Introduces Working for Workers Five Act,…


On May 6, 2024, the Ontario government introduced the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190). Bill 190 proposes amendments to various employment-related statutes, including the Employment Standards Act, 2000, Occupational Health and Safety Act, and Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Some of these proposed amendments were discussed in our FTR Now of…

Case In Point

On April 2, 2024, the Ontario Divisional Court released its decision in Metrolinx v. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1587, which was a judicial review of an arbitration decision rendered by the Grievance Settlement Board (GSB). The Court found that the decision of the arbitrator, in which he reinstated five grievors whose employment had been terminated…

Case In Point

The Ontario Labour Relations Board (the OLRB) has provided guidance on the extent of an employer’s disclosure obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) when an investigation into workplace harassment has been conducted. In Shannon Horner v Stelco Inc. Lake Erie (Shannon Horner), the OLRB considered, for the first time, an employer’s disclosure…


2023 in Review – Key Legislative Updates

· 10 min read

Last week we published “The Year in Review – 2023 Cases of Note.” This week we are back with our review of notable legislative updates from 2023 that we believe will be of interest to employers, human resources professionals and pension plan administrators. We also identify some legislation to watch for in 2024. Ontario Employment…


The Year in Review – 2023 Cases of Note

· 12 min read

We are back with our annual review of the prior year’s notable cases that we believe will be of interest to employers and human resources professionals. We also identify some cases to watch for in 2024. Next week, we will bring you our review of notable 2023 legislative updates. Cases of Note Employment Termination of…


On November 9, 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada (Supreme Court) issued a split decision in R. v. Greater Sudbury (City). The plurality of the Supreme Court upheld a decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal that an “owner” of a construction project can also be considered an “employer” with obligations to ensure safety on…