The OPSBA Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium features informative keynote speakers, panels and workshops on managing human resources issues in the media, workplace investigations, safe schools, collective bargaining, social media in the workplace, employment equity and employee wellness.
Training & Events
From accredited continuing legal education programs to special interest sessions for our clients and invited friends, Hicks Morley's conferences and events offer valuable insight into topical issues important to your business and your professional growth.
Speaking Engagement
In-house counsel have a critical role when big issues arise. New challenges and changing expectations continue to shape the labour and employment landscape, with issues often finding their way into public discourse.
Speaking Engagement
Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA) Spring Workshop
April 19, 2023 - April 20, 2023The OMHRA Spring Workshop is the largest municipal human resources meeting of its kind in Ontario, attracting over 150 of Ontario’s leading municipal human resources professionals.
Arbitration Workshop
April 18, 2023This hands-on workshop, presented through two distinct modules, has been designed to equip both new and more experienced members of your labour relations team with the skills necessary to prepare a case for grievance arbitration.
FOI Coordinators responding to access requests need to balance a wide range of issues from clarifying requests and arranging reasonable searches to preparing fee estimates all within tight time frames. This program addresses a number of the strategic and practical considerations which go into responding to requesters under FIPPA.
Exclusions and Competing Rights in Schools
April 12, 2023Educators and school boards have an obligation to provide every student with meaningful and equitable access to an education while taking reasonable measures to keep all students and staff safe from foreseeable harm. To that end, students with disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodation in their learning environments. But what happens when the behaviour of these students creates safety issues for themselves, other students and school staff? How can special educators and administrators deal with these increasingly common occurrences while managing the competing rights of both students and staff under the Education Act, Human Rights Code and Occupational Health and Safety Act?
Attendance Management Training Workshop 101
April 5, 2023Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces and it can impact productivity and morale in the workplace. In addressing absenteeism issues, employers must be aware of the interplay between their legitimate expectation that employees attend work regularly and the many valid reasons for absences, including statutory leaves and an employee’s human rights.
This session will begin with a brief overview of workplace investigation best practices. We will then turn our attention to an interactive exercise in which attendees will have the opportunity to use what they learned in Part 1 to develop and hone their skills.
The session will include instructional components, video demonstrations and discussion regarding strategies to deal with issues that can arise when conducting investigations. Attendees will receive a detailed digital manual entitled, “Hicks Morley’s Guide to Conducting Investigations into Workplace Complaints.”
Speaking Engagement
Featuring: Elisha Jamieson-Davies Overview Counselwell’s National Employment Law Forum is a two half-day virtual event (February 22 and March 1, 2023) for legal counsel and human resources professionals covering critical employment issues for employers across Canada. In her session, Elisha Jamieson-Davies will review the key factors which help determine whether someone is an independent contractor,…