Ontario Government Publishes Integrated Accessibility Standards Guide and Compliance Tool

The Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services has published “A Guide to the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation” dated July 2012. The Integrated Accessibility Standards (IAS) Regulation was made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. It came into force on July 1, 2011 and affects nearly all organizations in Ontario. The Guide…

Prep Time Payback – The Last (Good) Word?

School board labour relations practitioners will recall the efforts made by OPSBA in its 2009 PDT negotiations with ETFO to ensure that public school boards would not be obliged to reschedule preparation time that was missed due to such factors as board-imposed professional development held during the instructional day. The OPSBA/ETFO language stated: Missed preparation…

Federal Government Creates Panel on Labour Market Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities

Further to its Economic Action Plan 2012, the federal government has announced the creation of a Panel on Labour Market Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. The Panel has been charged with identifying private sector successes and best practices regarding labour market participation of persons with disabilities. It will also identify barriers and disincentives to employment…

Letters of Credit Regulation Proposed to Implement Pension Reform Measures

On July 30, 2012, the Ontario Ministry of Finance posted details of a proposed, supporting regulation to implement the new framework for letters of credit under the yet to be proclaimed section 55.2 of the Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”). As noted in our “Pension Reform Measures in Ontario Have Arrived” FTR Now of July 27,…

Temporary solvency relief extended for specified Ontario MEPPs

The Ontario government filed regulatory amendments extending temporary solvency relief another five years for specified Ontario multi-employer pension plans (“SOMEPPs”).  O. Reg. 203/12 amends sections 6.01(2), 6.0.3(2) and 6.04(1)(b) of General Regulation 909 to extend the solvency funding relief to valuations dated on or before August 31, 2017, and is now in force. We anticipate…

EI Regulations Giving Effect to Federal Budget 2012 Initiatives Now in Force

On June 20, 2012, Regulations Amending The Employment Insurance Regulations (“Regulations”) were registered and are now in force. Pilot Project No. 14, Pilot Project for Calculating Benefit Rate Based on Claimant’s 14 Highest Weeks of Insurance Earnings (Best 14 Weeks), previously scheduled to end on June 23, 2012, is extended by the Regulations and will…

Regulatory Amendments Proposed to Allow CPPIB/PSPIB to Rely on Prudent Person Standard

On June 23, 2012, the federal government published a proposed amendment to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Regulations which would repeal section 12 of the Regulations. That section establishes quantitative investment limits in respect of Canadian resource and real properties. Repeal of this section would align the Regulations with the Pension Benefits Standards Regulation,…

Federal Budget Bill Receives Royal Assent

On June 29, 2012, Bill C-38, Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, received Royal Assent. Bill C-38 is omnibus legislation intended to give effect to certain key initiatives outlined in the federal government’s Budget 2012. For more information about Bill C-38, see our April 27, 2012 blog post and our FTR Now, “Federal Budget 2012…

Amendments to Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations Proposed

On June 16, 2012, the federal government published draft regulations made under the Canada Labour Code which propose amendments to, among other things, the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Generally, the proposed amendments would repeal the requirement for organizations to seek the approval of the Minister of Labour to deliver first-aid courses. This would…