306 Results

Federal Budget Bill Receives Royal Assent

On Monday, July 12, 2010, Bill C-9, the Jobs And Economic Growth Act, received Royal Assent. As previously reported, Bill C-9 was introduced on March 29, 2010 and is omnibus legislation that amends various Acts to implement certain key measures outlined in the federal government’s 2010 Budget. Amendments to the Pension Benefits Standards Act (“PBSA”)…

New Early Learning Program Regulations Filed Under Education Act

On June 7, 2010, the Ontario government filed two significant regulations under the Education Act in support of its full-day learning initiative, the Early Learning Program (ELP): O. Reg. 224/10, dealing with full-day junior kindergarten and kindergarten; and O. Reg. 225/10, dealing with Extended Day Programs for schools subject to section 259 of the Act….

Ontario Passes New Retirement Homes Act

On June 2, 2010, Bill 21, the New Retirement Homes Act, 2010, carried at Third Reading after being reported as amended by the Standing Committee on social policy. Bill 21 was introduced on March 30, 2010 and provides legislative protection for seniors living in retirement homes. Parts III to IX of the Act come into…

School Board Update – ETFO Organizing Campaign

As you know, the Ministry of Education’s Early Learning Program requires boards to hire designated early childhood educators (“DECEs”) to work alongside teachers in delivering the Program to junior kindergarten and kindergarten pupils. The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (“ETFO”) has recently made it clear that it will seek to represent the designated early childhood…

Federal Amendments to PIPEDA Introduced

On May 25, 2010, the federal government introduced two Bills that, if passed, would significantly amend PIPEDA: Bill C-29, the Safeguarding Canadians’ Personal Information Act and Bill C-28, the Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act. Bill C-29 would: specify the elements of valid consent for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information; permit the…

Ontario’s Wage Freeze Legislation Ordered for Third Reading

On May 6, 2010, the Creating the Foundation for Jobs and Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16) was reported as amended by the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Originally introduced on March 26, 2010, the Bill is omnibus legislation amending various Acts to give effect to the initiatives outlined in its 2010 Budget. Of…