1146 Results

Regulatory Proposal Issued Regarding School Bus Driver Requirements

On November 22, 2012, the Ontario government (Ministry of Education) issued a regulatory proposal regarding the requirement that school bus drivers have a clear criminal record check report in order to qualify for and hold the requisite driver’s licence. That requirement is currently found in a regulation under the Highway Traffic Act. Under this proposal,…

Morneau Report on Pooling of Pension Fund Assets in BPS Released

On November 16, 2012, the Ontario government released “Facilitating Pooled Asset Management for Ontario’s Public-Sector Institutions,” a report from Pension Investment Advisor, William Morneau, to the Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance (“Morneau Report”). As previously reported, the Ontario government appointed Mr. Morneau further to its Budget 2012 initiatives, specifically to develop recommendations for the…

Federal Committee Considers Bill Requiring Disclosure of Information by Labour Organizations

On November 7, 2012, Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Requirements for labour organizations) was considered before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Bill C-377 is a private member’s bill which, if passed, will amend the Income Tax Act to require labour organizations to file a public information return…

HRTO and Developments in the Law of Reconsideration

Organizations which have experience litigating matters at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”) are likely aware that unsuccessful parties often utilize the Tribunal’s “reconsideration” process to attempt to overturn those decisions. While the Tribunal regularly issued reconsideration decisions, it was quite rare for it to grant a reconsideration request. However, recent decisions suggest…

Pension Solvency Funding Relief Is Here…Again

INTRODUCTION On November 1, 2012, important amendments were made to the Pension Benefits Act Regulation 909 (the “Regulation”). The amendments extend the temporary solvency relief measures for eligible defined benefit pension plans and make housekeeping changes to the sections requiring defined benefit pension plans to file annual, rather than triennial, actuarial valuations. This FTR Now…

New Solvency Funding Relief Regulations Filed

On November 1, 2012, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 329/12 and O. Reg 330/12, each of which amends Regulation 909 (General) made under the Pension Benefits Act. Further to the government’s Budget 2012, O. Reg 329/12 extends temporary solvency funding relief measures for private sector defined benefit pension plans, as first introduced in 2009…

Helping Families in Need Act Reported Back to House of Commons

On November 2, 2012, Bill C-44, Helping Families in Need Act, was reported back to the House of Commons without amendment by the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. As previously reported, if passed Bill C-44 will, among other things, make certain amendments to the…

2013 Pension and Retirement Savings Limits Announced

On November 1, 2012, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) released the “2013 Rates for Money Purchase limits, RRSP limits, YMPE, DPSP limits and Defined Benefits limits,” which are as follows: The 2013 annual pension for the year in which a pension commences to be paid under a Defined Benefit pension plan will be limited to…