Michael Hines Quoted in The Globe and Mail

Hicks Morley’s Michael Hines was quoted in the January 29, 2013 edition of The Globe and Mail. In an article entitled, “Teachers are using children’s activities as ‘political tool’: school board lawyers“, Michael comments on directives from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario which have instructed teachers to stop leading sports teams or attending field…

Michael Hines Mentioned in the Toronto Star

Hicks Morley’s Michael Hines was mentioned in the February 6, 2013 edition of the Toronto Star in an article entitled, “Ontario teacher turmoil: School boards’ points to studies that show benefits of extracurriculars.” The article provides details regarding a hearing at the Ontario Labour Relations Board during which Michael asked the Board to look at…

Craig Rix Quoted in Lexpert Magazine

Hicks Morley’s Craig Rix was quoted in the February 2013 edition of Lexpert Magazine, in an article entitled, “Is Right-to-Work Constitutional?” Craig comments on right-to-work legislation suggesting that mandatory check-offs may not be integral to the duty to bargain in good faith. View Article

2013 Winter Edition

FOCUS ON BARGAINING Hard bargains LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS The OLRB declines to interfere with  legitimate subcontractor relationship Employment contracts: how to get it right and help your chance of success PROFILE Quick study Download PDF

Tattoos/Piercings Part of an Employee’s Identity: Arbitrator

A recent arbitration award has found that a hospital’s dress code policy for unionized employees was unenforceable as it prohibited certain body piercings and required large tattoos to be covered. The arbitrator found that tattoos and piercings are a part of an employee’s identity and that the restrictions in the dress code policy were an…

Can Hospitals Impose a Dress Code that Prohibits Large Tattoos and Excessive Body Piercings in a Unionized Environment?

Apparently not, according to Arbitrator Slotnick’s recent award in Ottawa Hospital v CUPE. This award concluded that a hospital’s dress code policy was unenforceable as it required employees to cover up large tattoos and prohibited “visible, excessive body piercings.” The hospital argued that the dress code was minimally intrusive and its goal was to improve…

Hicks Morley Welcomes New Associate

We are pleased to announce that Jodi Gallagher Healy has joined Hicks Morley as an Associate in our Toronto office. Jodi Gallagher Healy is a frequent speaker and commentator on human resources law developments and advises employers on a broad spectrum of labour, employment and human rights issues. Jodi was called to the Bar in 2004…

Amendments to CIRB Regulations Now in Force

On December 18, 2012, the federal government registered Regulations Amending the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2001 (“Regulations”), which amend the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2001 (“CIRBR”) made under the Canada Labour Code (“Code”). As previously reported, the government had invited comments on the proposed Regulations in November 2012. The Regulations came into force…