Ontario to Enter Step 1 of Reopening on June 11, 2021

The Ontario government has announced that effective June 11 at 12:01 a.m., all regions of the province will enter Step 1 of its Roadmap to Reopen as the COVID-19 cases slowly begin to drop and the vaccination rates increase.

British Columbia Supreme Court Finds CERB Amounts Should Be Deducted from Wrongful Dismissal Damages

On May 28, 2021, the British Columbia Supreme Court (Court) released its decision in Hogan v. 1187938 B.C. Ltd., finding that the plaintiff had been constructively dismissed after being temporarily laid off at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic by the defendant, which operated a car dealership (Dealership). The plaintiff was laid off on March…

Ontario Announces Further Extension of Temporary Relief from ESA Termination and Severance Provisions

Effective June 4, 2021, the Ontario government has extended the temporary relief measures from the termination and severance provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) until September 25, 2021. The temporary measures are found in Ontario Regulation 228/20, Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL Regulation), which has been amended to define the “COVID-19 period” as that period beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending on September 25, 2021.

Nadine Zacks Quoted in SHRM on how Rapid Testing Could Curtail COVID-19 Outbreaks in Canadian Workplaces

SHRM quoted Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks in a May 12, 2021 article titled “Rapid Testing Could Curtail COVID-19 Outbreaks in Canadian Workplaces”. During Canada’s third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, workplace outbreaks risk transmitting the COVID-19 virus and its variants. Experts say rapid testing in workplaces could be instrumental in helping Canada fight the third…

Superior Court Finds Ontario’s IDEL Regulation Does Not Preclude Constructive Dismissal Claim at Common Law

The Ontario Superior Court recently considered the interaction of the Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Regulation (IDEL Regulation) made under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA)and a claim for constructive dismissal at common law. In Coutinho v. Ocular Health Centre Ltd., the Court dismissed the employer’s position that the IDEL Regulation constituted a defence to a…

Ontario Makes Two Emergency Orders to Assist Hospitals in Responding to Increasing COVID-19 Cases

On April 21, 2021, the Ontario government made two emergency orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) which will have an immediate impact on hospitals and the ongoing staffing challenges they face in dealing with COVID-19 cases. The first Order will permit staff in independent health facilities to be redeployed to hospitals….

Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines: Employers’ WSIB Reporting Obligations and Claim Costs

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) recently clarified its position with respect to the coverage of claims for COVID-19 vaccine reactions. Specifically, the WSIB FAQ section was updated with respect to employers’ reporting obligations regarding adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines as well as the impact of costs associated with COVID-19 vaccination claims. The recent…

Ontario Amends Rules for Shutdown Zone Regarding School Closures and Limited Circumstances in Which They May Operate

The Ontario government has amended the Rules for Areas in Stage 1 to give effect to its recent announcement regarding the closure of public and private elementary and secondary schools, among other things. As a general rule, Ontario Regulation 278/21 amends the Shutdown Zone rules to require closure of all public and private schools within…

Ontario Places All Regions Into Shutdown

Effective April 3, 2021, all regions in Ontario were placed into the Shutdown Zone of the Rules for Areas in Stage 1. The government announced that it anticipates the shutdown to be in place for at least four weeks. The Shutdown Zone rules were amended on March 26, 2021 (see our recent Human Resources and…