Ontario Bar Association (OBA): Pensions and Benefits 17th Annual Hot Spots

Experts discuss the evolving legal landscapes for defined contribution pension plans and group benefits, and how these changes will affect practitioners working in this legal area.  Faculty  will  also  review  changes  related  to  shared  risk  plans,  and  what  the  new  changes  mean  for consolidation in the pension sector. Agenda Topic Decumulation Options on the Horizon

Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA) 2019 Conference: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

Overview Topic: Sexual Harassment – Creating a Culture of Safer Workplaces This presentation will explore how employers can create safer workplaces for all employees with the development of advanced inclusion and equity policies and programs. The presentation will also explore opportunities to restore workplace relations, among workers directly involved, as well as bystanders, which have…

Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs (OASIS) 2019 Conference: Legal Updates in the Ontario Developmental Services Sector

Overview Keeping up to date on the law to ensure that your organization is in compliance with legislation and precedent setting decisions may seem daunting. This session will help you navigate the increasingly complex legal framework that HR Professionals work in, addressing some key challenges agencies are facing including collective bargaining; integrated community based service…

Canadian Bar Association (CBA): What’s New in Pensions and Benefits – Case Law and Regulatory Update

Overview The past year has seen various developments in the jurisprudence and legislation related to pensions and employee benefits. Our knowledgeable speakers from across the country will provide an update on noteworthy cases and legislative changes, including the following: Recent and upcoming legislative changes from across Canada, including ongoing pension funding reform and the status…

Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE): 16th Annual Conference

Overview OHS Session: Deep in the Trenches: Practical Tips in Defending OHS Charges An action-packed panel built around one or more scenarios, this panel will provide you with: practical tips for defending OHS charges; guidance on how to establish due diligence; and best practices for documenting due diligence. Practice Corner 2.0: Tips For the Use…

American Bar Association: International Labor and Employment Law Committee Midyear Meeting

Overview Developments in Responsible Business Conduct Efforts to develop programs in responsible business conduct continue to grow. What are the challenges that today’s multi-national corporations face in adopting and implementing their own responsible business conduct policies? This panel will discuss current guidelines that can assist companies in creating programs as well as what works, what…