Please join us to discuss the latest WSIB hot topics from 2016, and what is on the horizon for 2017. We will take a whirlwind look at a number of topics affecting your workplace, and provide tips on how to deal with challenging WSIB claims and prosecutions.
In this Advantage CPD session, we will take you through WSIB hot topics including:
- The WSIB’s New Proposed Rate Framework
- Bill 163: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Legislation
- The Unrepresented Worker (accredited for 15 minutes of professionalism CPD)
- Update on Traumatic Mental Stress Claims
- Prosecutions – Types of Fines and Risk Management
Learning Objectives
By the end of this seminar, attendees will have a better understanding of:
- Important legislative changes and regulatory initiatives
- Professionalism issues regarding unrepresented workers at the WSIB and WSIAT
- WSIB prosecutions
The session will include a structured Q&A panel discussion. Our presenters will invite questions and remain behind for any informal discussions you may wish to have.