We Welcome Eight New Associates to the Firm

We Welcome Eight New Associates to the Firm

Hicks Morley is pleased to announce that eight new associates have joined the firm in our Toronto office.

Zachary Demers obtained his Juris Doctor from Western University. As a law student, Zachary competed as an oralist in the 2022 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition where his team placed third in the Canadian national rounds and top eight in the international rounds. He was also involved with the Western Journal of Legal Studies throughout law school, including as the deputy editor-in-chief.

Kimberly Dias obtained her Juris Doctor from the University of Toronto. During law school, Kimberly represented clients in a variety of matters while volunteering with Downtown Legal Services, where she served as a caseworker in the Criminal Law and University Offences Division. She was also a junior editor for the Critical Analysis of Law Journal, and a volunteer with the Digital Verification Corps.

Lukas Furlan obtained his Juris Doctor from Queen’s University. During law school, Lukas held a leadership position with the Queen’s Business Law Clinic. He worked as a research assistant and participated in the Bowman National Tax Moot. Lukas previously worked in a variety of roles for a Toronto home services start-up, which sparked his interest in labour and employment law.

Stevie (Stephanie) Gellatly obtained her Juris Doctor and her Master of Laws from Western University. At Western, her graduate research focused on basic income, human rights and social welfare. Prior to joining the firm, Stevie clerked at the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver. She also had previous careers in journalism and in the health and wellness industry.

Jennifer Li obtained her Juris Doctor from Queen’s University. Jennifer served as a student caseworker with the Queen’s Elder Law Clinic. She also participated as an oralist in three moot competitions, winning the Queen’s Labour and Employment Moot in her first year. Jennifer acted as a mentor and representative for the Queen’s Asian Law Students’ Association and the vice-president professional for the Society for Graduate and Professional Students.

Gillian McCormick obtained her Juris Doctor from Queen’s University. As a law student, Gillian acted as a caseworker at the Queen’s Prison Law Clinic, representing inmates before disciplinary tribunals. She also acted as a caseworker at the Queen’s Family Law Clinic, where she helped self-represented litigants complete court documents and navigate court processes.

Djordje Milanovic obtained his Juris Doctor from the University of Windsor. Djordje worked as a teaching assistant and served as the director of recruitment for Amnesty International at Windsor Law. He was also the director of communications for the Labour and Employment Law Society at Windsor Law, where he helped organize and run the annual Hicks Morley Labour Law Moot.

Lauren Viegas obtained her Juris Doctor from Western University. Lauren was the VP of marketing on Western Law’s Diversity Committee, and she served as the communications officer and co-president of the Labour and Employment Law Society. She graduated as the recipient of the Eric K. Gillespie Professional Corporation Writing Scholarship in recognition of a paper she wrote for a business and human rights law course.

We wish all of our new associates a warm welcome!