More Information on Family Status Accommodation

As many of you will know, we are currently presenting a series of client conferences across the province. One of the human rights issues we have been featuring in our conferences is the accommodation of family status. We have received some requests from attendees for case citations for some of the decisions referenced in our…

Tax-Free Savings Accounts: Potential Opportunities for Employer-Sponsored Retirement and Savings Plans

In the February 2008 Budget, the federal Minister of Finance announced a new initiative – tax free savings accounts (TFSAs). If the proposed legislation is passed, these new savings vehicles will be available to Canadian taxpayers starting in 2009. Key Features of a TFSA Canadian taxpayers will be allowed to contribute up to $5000 each…

OHRC Draft Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks

In February 2008, the Ontario Human Rights Commission released a Draft Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Records Check for public consultation. The draft Policy is aimed at addressing concerns that the requirements, policies and practices relating to police record checks can have a discriminatory impact on persons with mental health-related disabilities and those…