Enjoying a Safe Holiday Season

The holiday season is once again upon us. While some employers may be scaling back on festivities this year, it remains as important as ever that employers take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other celebrations. Over the years, a number of court decisions have…

Ministry of Labour Blitz of Industrial Workplaces for Electrical Hazards

The Ministry of Labour is currently conducting a blitz of workplaces, where the regulation for Industrial Establishments applies, to ensure compliance with the electrical hazard provisions of the regulation. Inspectors will take a “zero tolerance” approach to any contraventions. “Since 1998 there have been 69 workers killed, 263 critically injured and 844 workers who received…

Preventing Workplace Violence: Ontario Looks at Amending the Occupational Health and Safety Act

On September 17, 2008, the Ontario Ministry of Labour released a Consultation Paper on Workplace Violence Prevention. The Consultation Paper seeks input from workplace parties on whether and how Ontario should address workplace violence under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”). The Consultation Paper asks for input on whether OHSA should be amended to…

The Kajouji Case: A Recent Tragedy Focuses Renewed Attention on Managing Students at Risk

The tragic recent events involving 18-year old Carleton University student Nadia Kajouji have once again called attention to universities’ responsibilities when managing students who are at risk of harming themselves or others. As is now well known from media reports, Ms. Kajouji’s body was recovered from the Rideau River in Ottawa in late April, and…