Case In Point

Supervisor Found Criminally Negligent and Sentenced to Five Years in Prison Following a Vehicle Collision Resulting in Driver’s Death

A recent decision serves as a reminder that supervisors’ actions—and inactions—regarding workplace safety are subject not only to the OHSA but also to the Criminal Code. In this Case in Point, Hicks Morley’s Artimes Ghahremani shares the Court’s analysis and key takeaways for supervisors.

Common Ground? Class Action Updates

Federal Court Dismisses $2.5 Billion Class Action Alleging Systemic Anti-Black Racism in Federal Public Service Hiring Decisions and Promotional Opportunities

The Federal Court of Canada determined a class action that sought to address alleged systemic anti-Black racism and discrimination simply did not meet the procedural criteria to certify the action as a class proceeding. In this Common Ground, Hicks Morley’s Sean Reginio and Eleanor Vaughan examine the Court’s analysis.

Case In Point

B.C. Supreme Court Imposes Costs on Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal for Procedural Fairness Breaches, Deviating from the “Traditional Immunity” Enjoyed by Decision-Makers

A recent ruling underscores the importance of procedural fairness in administrative tribunal proceedings, especially when dealing with vulnerable applicants. In this Case in Point, Mariana Kamenetsky reviews the case, the court’s analysis and the decision. https://

Federal Post

Federal Government Launches Consultation on Draft Regulations Related to Equal Pay Under the Canada Labour Code

The federal government published new draft regulations regarding prohibiting employers from paying different wage rates to employees based on employment status. In this Federal Post, Hicks Morley’s Paul Broad shares details of the draft regulations.

Safe Sport

Safe Sport Considerations for Colleges and Universities

While Canadian colleges and universities are not required to adopt the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (the UCCMS), they may find themselves bound to the UCCMS by their participation with certain governing sport bodies and may want to develop their own policies to ensure a safe sport environment.


Managing Temporary Workplace Disruptions: Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans and the Employment Insurance Work-Sharing Program

While tariffs may be paused for now, economic uncertainty remains. What strategies can Canadian employers take to protect the future of their businesses? How can they ensure they retain skilled employees and manage employee concerns around job insecurity? Hicks Morley’s David Gruber explains in our latest #FTRNow.