Human Resources Legislative Update

Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017, Receives Royal Assent

Human Resources Legislative Update

Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017, Receives Royal Assent

Date: March 30, 2017

On March 27, 2017, Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017, received Royal Assent. The Bill amends the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 and reforms the collective bargaining framework in the education sector. Amendments include, among other things, making central bargaining a mandatory component of collective bargaining and permitting an employer bargaining agency to assist a school board with local bargaining upon request by that board.

See our School Board Update of February 24, 2017 Ontario Introduces Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017 for more information on these changes (the amendments made to Bill 92 at Committee do not impact the changes discussed in this Update).

The Bill should be consulted for coming into force information.