Human Resources Legislative Update
Federal Government Introduces Changes to Canada Labour Code
Date: October 30, 2017
On October 27, 2017, the federal government introduced Bill C-63, Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 2, its second budget implementation bill relating to Budget 2017. Budget implementation bills are a means for the government to follow through with the legislative changes required to bring budget commitments into effect.
In addition to changes to the Income Tax Act and a number of other acts, Bill C-63 will, if passed, make a number of changes to scheduling practices and leaves of absence under the Canada Labour Code. These changes, which would affect all employers within the federal jurisdiction, include:
- providing employees with a formal right to request flexible work arrangements from their employers
- providing employees with at least 24 hours’ notice of a change in shift
- providing employees with a right to refuse overtime in order to fulfill a family responsibility
- a new three-day unpaid family responsibility leave
- a new 10-day unpaid leave for victims of family violence
- a new three-day unpaid leave for traditional Aboriginal practices
- extending the current paid bereavement leave by an additional two unpaid days, and extending the time period in which bereavement leave can be taken
- other modifications to provisions on work schedules, overtime, annual vacation and general holidays intended to provide greater flexibility in work arrangements.
Additionally, Bill C-63 repeals amendments to the Canada Labour Code passed by the previous Conservative government that had not yet been brought into force. These changes would have allowed for short-term internships, other than those administered through a college or university, in limited situations.
We are in the process of reviewing Bill C-63 and will be providing a more detailed discussion on our website in the coming days.
For more information on Budget 2017, see our FTR Now of May 24, 2017, Federal Budget 2017.