Times, They are a Changing in the Pension & Benefits World (Accredited)

Agenda Retirement issues are in the spotlight like never before as everyone from governments to employers grapple with rising costs for pension and healthcare, while pension plan members and retirees may prefer to preserve the status quo. This session will highlight key developments in these changing times. What’s New? – A review of key case…

The Race to Finish – Professional Development (Accredited)

It has been a very busy year. We are now approaching the end of 2013 and there are still commitments to be met and knowledge to be acquired. If you missed the opportunity to attend one or more of our Advantage CPD accredited sessions this year we will be running 9 sessions, in a recorded…

Rethinking The Union Management Relationship (Accredited)

  Agenda This session will describe a different and better way to deal with unions in the workplace and consequently enhance your ability as in-house counsel to further contribute to your business’ productivity. The goal is to confirm or increase your understanding of both the legal framework within which you operate as a unionized employer…

Prepare for the Worst: Legal Risk and Risk Management in HR (Accredited)

Agenda This session will offer a practical review of the legal steps and positive actions to manage the below listed potential Human Resources risks. Understanding the law and allowable responses will help prevent disruption, financial losses and help control costs. This session will address: Data Breach: “Our manager just lost a suitcase full of personal…

Unjust Dismissal Complaints: Being Prepared from Start to Finish (Accredited)

Unjust dismissal complaints under the Canada Labour Code are unique. Although they involve some of the familiar trappings of labour arbitrations and court cases, the preliminary issues involved, process followed, and potential outcomes are different. It is crucial for in-house counsel to know how unjust dismissal complaints work in practice in order to develop the…

Information and Privacy Roundtable for In-House Counsel (Accredited)

This session will feature a facilitated discussion on data breach response. Questions addressed will include:  The team. Who’s on it? Who plays what role? When to engage outside experts? Assessment. What degree of ambiguity should be tolerated? How much time to assess is justifiable? Internal communication. How broad a privilege to carve out? How to…