Pay Equity: The Ongoing Challenges (Accredited)

The purpose of this session is to provide both senior human resources professionals and in-house counsel with a refresher and update on pay equity maintenance issues; new issues arising at the Pay Equity Commission; implications for collective bargaining; as well as an update on recent jurisprudence relating to the pay equity obligations of employers. The…

The Latest Developments in the Law of Wrongful Dismissal: Updates on Written Contracts and Mitigation, Constructive Dismissal, Cause for Dismissal and Damages (Accredited)

  Agenda The purpose of this session is to provide in-house counsel with an update on recent developments in key areas of employment law and to discuss the professional implications unique to their role as advisor to an organization. Constructive Dismissal Recent developments in the law of constructive dismissal will be canvassed, including attempted claims…

Workplace Harassment: Navigating the Minefields (Accredited)

  Agenda Have you fulfilled your Bill 168 obligations?  Have your policies proven to be effective?  How can they be improved?  How are they interacting with other policies and your business/operations? How do you deal with situations of domestic violence that impact upon your workplace?  How do you deal with an employee misusing the policy/program…

An Information Management Update for In-House Counsel (Accredited)

This session is an update for in house legal counsel on critical information management issues. We will focus on current developments and their practical implications. Topics will include: Things you must do now to maintain access to business system information Recent privilege cases and what they mean for in house counsel Data security, breach response…

AODA Legal Compliance from A to Z: Staying Ahead of the Curve (Accredited)

  This session is a review and update for in house legal counsel and human resources professionals on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) and will focus on: Reviewing key requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards (“IAS”) – including policy development, training, employment practices, website content and design, general communications Reviewing timelines…

Legal Issues in Managing Employee Illness (Accredited)

    MATERIALS     Employee absences due to illness carry both human and financial costs to your organization. Returning employees to work in a reasonable time and taking measures to ensure continued good health can help minimize these costs. But the monitoring and communication needed to achieve this carry legal risks that need to…

First Strike: Taking the Initiative in Litigation (Accredited)

View Map   MATERIALS   Taking a defensive approach to litigation can be a costly process, with long waits for settlement or trial. But there are creative, proactive and strategic approaches in responding to litigation that can save employers both time and money. Using real case examples, this session examines how a number of proceedings…

Emerging Challenges in the University Sector: Staying a step ahead

Materials The university sector faces enormous economic and legal pressures that are driving rapid changes on campuses across Canada. In this wide-ranging session, we will discuss: Social media: Legal Issues for Universities Pension issues relating to deficiencies and governance The adequacy of University human rights policies and procedures in light of current HRTO standards The…

Legal Issues in Managing Employee Illness (Accredited)

View Map MATERIALS   Employee absences due to illness carry both human and financial costs to your organization. Returning employees to work in a reasonable time and taking measures to ensure continued good health can help minimize these costs. But the monitoring and communication needed to achieve this carry legal risks that need to be…