Employment relationships generally fall into one of three categories: employee, dependent contractor or independent contractor. Exclusivity is often a key consideration when determining what category applies. Recently, the Court of Appeal for Ontario considered the degree of exclusivity required in a dependent contractor relationship in Keenan v. Canac Kitchens Ltd. In Keenan, the plaintiffs had…
Publication Name: Case In Point
Federal Court of Appeal Clarifies Employer Obligations to Investigate Workplace Violence Allegations under the Canada Labour Code
In a recent decision, Canada (Attorney General) v. Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld a decision of the Federal Court which clarified an employer’s obligation to appoint an impartial “competent person” to investigate complaints of workplace violence. The Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (“Regulations”) require an employer to appoint…
Appeal Court Upholds $20,000 Damages Award for Discrimination on the Basis of Family Status
In this latest decision which considers discrimination on the basis of family status due to childcare issues, the Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld a trial judge’s finding that an appellant employer breached both the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) and the Human Rights Code (“Code”) when it terminated the employment of the respondent employee…
Court Examines Parties’ Intentions and Severability Clause in Upholding ESA-Only Termination Provision
Over the past few years, the Ontario Superior Court has rendered several decisions which consider the enforceability of termination notice provisions in employment contracts that provide only for the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) minimum entitlements. Depending on the specific wording used, many of these provisions have been held to be unenforceable for non-compliance with…
Appeal Court Confirms that Employer’s Financial Circumstances Not a Factor in Determining Reasonable Notice
Are an employer’s financial circumstances a relevant consideration in determining the period of reasonable notice to which a wrongfully dismissed employee is entitled? This is the question the Court of Appeal for Ontario was asked to decide in Michela v. St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic School, where the motion judge had reduced damages in lieu of…
Appeal Court Decision Underscores Importance of Clear Terms of Hire at Outset
In a recent decision, Holland v. Hostopia.com. Inc., the Court of Appeal for Ontario found that a termination provision in an employment agreement purporting to limit the appellant’s entitlements upon termination of employment to the statutory minimums under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) was unenforceable due to lack of consideration. The appellant had commenced employment…
Is an Employer Required to Accommodate an Employee’s “Personal Choice” to Breastfeed?
In Flatt v. Canada (Attorney General), a case that has garnered media attention, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld a decision that found an applicant who requested accommodation to breastfeed her child during working hours failed to meet the test for establishing prima facie discrimination. The Court held this request involved the applicant’s “personal choice” – not…
Supreme Court of Canada on Prima Facie Discrimination and a Plaintiff’s Burden of Proof
The Supreme Court of Canada recently overturned a decision of the Québec Human Rights Tribunal (“Tribunal”) which found that Bombardier had discriminated against a pilot, Mr. Latif, by refusing to provide him with training on certain Bombardier aircraft after U.S. authorities denied his security clearance. The unanimous Court found that there was insufficient evidence to…
Arbitrator Upholds Discharge of Long Service Employee with Clean Record for Theft
In a recent arbitration decision involving a case of petty theft in the workplace, an arbitrator provided very useful guidance on workplace theft and the mitigating factors an employer should take into account in determining the penalty. The…
Court Awards Consultant 8 Months’ Notice for 2 Years of Service
A recent case demonstrates that despite an agreement characterizing the relationship as one involving an independent contractor, there is always the risk upon termination that the relationship may ultimately be found to require…