2012 Winter Edition

FOCUS ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Boundaries expanding on occupational health and safety LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS The challenges of accommodating environmental sensitivities in the workplace Ontario WSIB: Tackling unfunded liability issues PROFILE Touching all the bases Download PDF

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE Arbitrator Provides Helpful Award in Ontario’s First TPA Discharge Arbitration Divisional Court Re-Affirms the Importance of Time Limits Pay Equity Remains a Priority Legal Issue for School Boards Accommodating Scent Sensitivities in the Workplace Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Endorses Employer Control Over Accommodation Process Integrated Accessibility Standards under the AODA OMERS Omissions…

Michael Hines Quoted in Hamilton Spectator Newspaper

Hicks Morley’s Michael Hines was quoted in the May 10, 2011 edition of the Hamilton Spectator newspaper. In an article entitled “No laws broken in excluding Westmount and Saltfleet from accommodation review,” Michael commented on the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s exclusion of Westmount and Saltfleet Secondary Schools from its current student accommodation review process. View…

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE EFTO Bargaining Support Paid Religious Leave Management’s Rights Job Qualifications of Teachers Union Dues Trustee Conflict of Interest Damages for Maximum Class Size Violations Access to Adverse Reports Workers’ Compensation Claims and the Human Rights Code ETFO BARGAINING SUPPORT Public district school boards have less than a month in which to reach…

2008 Fall issue

FOCUS ON HUMAN RIGHTS Human rights issues: Expanding across the labour and employment spectrum LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Boundaries of religious accommodation better defined Little car, big fear: When is a disability a disability? PROFILE The rights stuff Download PDF

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE Hicks Morley Negotiation Support Services Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Defers to Special Education Tribunal Occasional Teacher Timetables Duties of Principals Burden of Proof in Discharge Cases Accommodation of Religious Holidays TPA Arbitration and Motion for Non-Suit School Security and Office Staff HICKS MORLEY NEGOTIATION SUPPORT SERVICES Did you know that more…

Religious Accommodation: Tribunal Finds Two Paid Days of Religious Leave Not Required

INTRODUCTION On September 3, 2008, Vice-Chair Sherry Liang of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario issued a very helpful decision in Markovic v. Autocom Manufacturing Ltd., 2008 HRTO 64. The Autocom decision provides some much-needed clarification concerning the accommodation of religious observances. Of particular interest, the Tribunal rejected the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s long-held policy…

The Hydro-Québec Decision: Restoring Balance to the Accommodation Analysis

INTRODUCTION Following on the heels of its recent decisions in McGill University Health Centre and Honda Canada Inc. v. Keays, the Supreme Court of Canada has issued yet another helpful decision dealing with the employer’s duty to accommodate. In Hydro-Québec v. Syndicat des employé-e-s de techniques professionnelles et de bureau d’Hydro-Québec, section locale 2000 (SCFP-FTQ),…

More Information on Family Status Accommodation

As many of you will know, we are currently presenting a series of client conferences across the province. One of the human rights issues we have been featuring in our conferences is the accommodation of family status. We have received some requests from attendees for case citations for some of the decisions referenced in our…