The Ontario Bar Association Publishes an Article by Jacqueline Luksha

The Ontario Bar Association published an article authored by Hicks Morley’s Jacqueline Luksha in their May 28, 2014 edition entitled, “The Duty to Investigate Workplace Complaints Under the Ontario Human Rights Code…Is hind-sight really 20/20?” In the article, Jacqueline discusses lessons learned from Scaduto v. Insurance Search Bureau, including the importance of employers carrying out…

2014 Winter Edition

FOCUS ON SOCIAL SERVICES Balancing interests – legal challenges in the social services sector LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS The changing status of family status Workplace investigations: avoiding common pitfalls PROFILE Class act Download PDF

How the New Privacy Tort Will Affect Employers

On January 18th, 2012, the Court of Appeal for Ontario in Jones v. Tsige recognized a new “intrusion upon seclusion” civil cause of action. In this FTR Now, we describe the new cause of action (or “tort”) and identify its significance to employers. THE INTRUSION UPON SECLUSION TORT Under Ontario law it is now clear…

Accident Investigations

As the number of prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) continue to rise, clients need to be effectively managing accident investigations. We have summarized some of the key OHSA issues that arise in any accident: 1. Know the Reporting Requirements The OHSA sets out different reporting requirements depending on the type of…