Conference / Seminar

Position Your Organization Ahead of the Field in Human Resources Since the founding of Hicks Morley in 1972, tremendous changes in the legal, social and technology landscape have affected the way employers in Canada manage their workplaces. Now more than ever, employers must take the lead and respond to the countless new and different challenges…

Conference / Seminar

Position Your Organization Ahead of the Field in Human Resources Since the founding of Hicks Morley in 1972, tremendous changes in the legal, social and technology landscape have affected the way employers in Canada manage their workplaces. Now more than ever, employers must take the lead and respond to the countless new and different challenges…

Conference / Seminar

Position Your Organization Ahead of the Field in Human Resources Since the founding of Hicks Morley in 1972, tremendous changes in the legal, social and technology landscape have affected the way employers in Canada manage their workplaces. Now more than ever, employers must take the lead and respond to the countless new and different challenges…

Conference / Seminar

    MATERIALS     Employee absences due to illness carry both human and financial costs to your organization. Returning employees to work in a reasonable time and taking measures to ensure continued good health can help minimize these costs. But the monitoring and communication needed to achieve this carry legal risks that need to…

Conference / Seminar

View Map   MATERIALS   Taking a defensive approach to litigation can be a costly process, with long waits for settlement or trial. But there are creative, proactive and strategic approaches in responding to litigation that can save employers both time and money. Using real case examples, this session examines how a number of proceedings…

Conference / Seminar

Materials The university sector faces enormous economic and legal pressures that are driving rapid changes on campuses across Canada. In this wide-ranging session, we will discuss: Social media: Legal Issues for Universities Pension issues relating to deficiencies and governance The adequacy of University human rights policies and procedures in light of current HRTO standards The…

Conference / Seminar

View Map MATERIALS   Employee absences due to illness carry both human and financial costs to your organization. Returning employees to work in a reasonable time and taking measures to ensure continued good health can help minimize these costs. But the monitoring and communication needed to achieve this carry legal risks that need to be…

Conference / Seminar

  Human rights issues have become both increasingly complex and constant. We’ll bring you up to speed on the latest developments – with an update on cases concerning the law of accommodation and on the emerging significance of family status as a protected ground. The bulk of the session will focus on strategic planning in…

Conference / Seminar

MATERIALS   One of the most difficult issues faced by employers regarding the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) is dealing with widespread non-compliance. While it’s often easy to fix the problem on a go-forward basis, how do you address the past? In this session, we will: Provide a brief update on recent ESA amendments Review…

Conference / Seminar

MATERIALS   2011 was another year of twists and turns for pension and benefits plan sponsors and administrators. Reform initiatives continued to be rolled out across the country and Canadian Courts and Tribunals delivered a number of significant pension and benefits decisions that could impact your future practices and decision-making. In this session, we will:…