2016 Emergency Services Labour Forum

Topics Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder), 2016 Explained Let’s Get It Together – Let’s Coordinate! 5 Bargaining Approaches & Proposals Being Coordinated in Ontario

HR Employment and Labour Law Conference

Topic Negotiations and communicating to employees Collective bargaining is seen as the most important labour relations initiative a unionized employer undertakes. It is a major event that will directly and indirectly impact the success of a business. Agenda

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2016 Labour Relations Seminar

The labour relations seminar is an annual event held in partnership with Hicks Morley.  Over the course of two days, chief fire officers, senior municipal officials and human resource professionals gather to hear from a team of legal experts from Hicks Morley, fire chiefs from across Ontario and renowned international speakers that give insight, up-to-date knowledge and guidance into…