Conference / Seminar

Agenda One of the biggest costs faced by Ontario employers arises from absenteeism; one of the biggest challenges is putting in place an attendance management program which reflects the needs of the individual workplace while at the same time complying with legal obligations. In this fast-paced session, we will discuss several hot button topics that…

Conference / Seminar

Agenda In the post-mandatory retirement world, it is not surprising that recent statistics show that the number of individuals over the age of 55 choosing to remain in the workforce is on the rise. As a result, employers are faced with dealing with an aging workforce which presents challenges not previously encountered. The aging workforce…


Complimentary This webcast responds to a number of requests following our last webcast, After Keewatin: The Use of Exclusions, and reflects the reality that there are increasing numbers of students whose disabilities give rise to violent outbursts and that this phenomenon is a growing challenge for special educators and for administration. We will review the…