Strategies for Operating in the New Environment – Preparing for Ontario Bill 148: Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act 2017

Topic – Prioritize amendments under Labour Relations Act and the Employment Standards Act – Establish time lines and target dates for amending policies, assessing training needs and developing relevant training programs – Proactively review relevant collective agreement provisions prior to your next round of bargaining – Assess cost consequences of Bill 148 and determine the…

Pensions and Benefits Hot Spots – The Back to School Edition

Hear from experts on key issues in the area of pensions and benefits law, including benefit plan coverage of medical marijuana, proposed changes to the defined benefit plan solvency funding framework, pension plan governance and recent case law developments. Understand how the National Mobility Agreement impacts your work with respect to practicing outside of Ontario.

Advantage CPD: Professionalism Smorgasbord 2017

This session is tailored to the practice of employment and labour law by in-house counsel. We will distribute scenarios containing ethical dilemmas faced by counsel. After a small group discussion on the scenarios, the discussion will be opened up to the overall group, guided by a review of the applicable Rules of Professional Conduct.

Advantage CPD: New and Evolving Issues in Federal Human Rights

Accommodation issues, including pay equity continue to present challenging issues for human resources professionals and in-house counsel in the federal sector. For both employers and service providers alike, ever-evolving jurisprudence and recent legislative reforms are continuing to generate new obligations – and potential new liability. Faced with novel complaints and requests for accommodation, prudent employers and service providers must be prepared to think “outside the box.”

Workplace Investigation Training

This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: workplace harassment and violence complaints, discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code, employee misconduct such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft, and more!

2017 Ontario Connections Conference – FOI and Electronic Records

Topic: FOI and Electronic Records Overview: As the use and creation of electronic records continues to grow exponentially in institutions a number of unique FOI issues arise for coordinators and other involved in administering the legislation. This seminar will review the current state of the law and practical points on a variety of electronic records…