1098 Results

Ontario’s Good Government Bill Ordered for Third Reading

On November 30, 2010, Bill 110, the Good Government Act, was reported to the House without amendments by the Standing Committee on General Government, and ordered for Third Reading. As previously reported, Bill 110 is omnibus legislation that would, if passed, make a number of amendments to various Acts, including several employment-related statutes.

ESA amendments proclaimed into force

On November 29, 2010, the amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 in Schedule 9 of the Open for Business Act, 2010 were proclaimed into force.  As previously reported, the Open for Business Act, 2010 is omnibus legislation and the amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 will: allow the Director of Employment Standards to…

Bill C-28 Passes Third Reading

On November 23, 2010, Bill C-28 passed Third Reading in the House of Commons. It was indicated in the speeches at Third Reading that the short title of the Bill will be the Electronic Commerce Protection Act (formerly the Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act). As previously reported, the Bill would enact comprehensive anti-SPAM legislation….

New OHSA Regulations Filed

On November 5, 2010, the Ontario government filed a number of regulatory amendments under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, including: O. Reg. 419/10, amending Table 1 of Regulation 833 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents); and O. Reg. 420/10, amending Regulation 851 (Industrial Establishments). The…

WSIB Releases Work Reintegration Policies for Consultation

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board has released interim Work Reintegration policies and a draft Work Reintegration NEER policy for stakeholder consultation. Stakeholders can submit their responses in writing until February 15, 2011. The interim Work Reintegration policies integrate Early and Safe Return to Work, Re-Employment and Labour Market Re-entry and are to become effective…

Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Post – Fall 2010

Welcome to the Fall 2010 Quarterly Edition of the Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Post! As always, we bring you this quarter’s case law updates in privacy, freedom of information, confidentiality and the law of production. Highlights in this quarter include State Farm v. Privacy Commissioner of Canada, [2010] FC 736, where the Federal Court…

WSIB Announces Funding Review of Unfunded Liability

On September 30, 2010, the Ontario government announced that Harry Arthurs will chair the Funding Review of the unfunded liability of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. As announced by the WSIB on the same date, the year-long Funding Review will gather input from experts and stakeholders regarding policy issues relating to the financial future…

Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Post – Summer 2010

Welcome to the Summer 2010 Quarterly Edition of the Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Post! This edition is packed with the most up-to-date case law developments in privacy, freedom of information, confidentiality and the law of production. Of note is the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent pronouncement on access to information under Ontario’s Freedom of…

Bill 168 – Assessing Students as Risks

The new provisions incorporated into the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) by Bill 168 came into force on June 15, 2010. These provisions make clear that colleges must take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect their workers from workplace violence. In this bulletin, we focus on the college duty to manage the…