159 Results

Workplace Investigation Training – Toronto

Agenda This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: health and safety complaints Bill 168 workplace harassment and violence complaints discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code employee misconduct, such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft Following instructional components, attendees…

Appeal Court Upholds $20,000 Damages Award for Discrimination on the Basis of Family Status

In this latest decision which considers discrimination on the basis of family status due to childcare issues, the Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld a trial judge’s finding that an appellant employer breached both the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) and the Human Rights Code (“Code”) when it terminated the employment of the respondent employee…

The Ins and Outs of Developing & Administering an Effective Attendance Management Policy

Agenda One of the biggest costs faced by Ontario employers arises from absenteeism; one of the biggest challenges is putting in place an attendance management program which reflects the needs of the individual workplace while at the same time complying with legal obligations. In this fast-paced session, we will discuss several hot button topics that…

Reaching Out – Ninth Edition

Dear Friends, It has been an eventful few months since our Spring Edition of Reaching Out. With the playoff run by the Blue Jays and the federal election behind us, we are pleased to provide the Fall Edition of Reaching Out. Allison E. MacIsaac reviews current challenges related to gender identity and gender expression in the…

The Aging Workforce: What You Need to Know

Agenda In the post-mandatory retirement world, it is not surprising that recent statistics show that the number of individuals over the age of 55 choosing to remain in the workforce is on the rise. As a result, employers are faced with dealing with an aging workforce which presents challenges not previously encountered. The aging workforce…

Ontario Invites Submissions on Closing Gender Wage Gap

On October 8, 2015, the Ontario government invited input from individuals and organizations to assist it in developing a strategy to close the wage gap between men and women. In this FTR Now, we review the government’s initiative, its invitation for submissions and how Ontario employers can provide their feedback. THE CONSULTATION PROCESS By way…

Significant Damages Awarded Against Employer for Sexual Harassment of Temporary Foreign Workers

In a recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”), Vice-Chair Mark Hart imposed a significant damages award against corporate respondent Presteve Foods Ltd. and its directing mind, Jose Pratas (“the personal respondent”). In O.P.T. v. Presteve Foods Ltd., two Applicants, O.P.T. and M.P.T., alleged that the personal respondent had engaged in…

Reaching Out – Eighth Edition

Dear Friends, Before everyone becomes distracted by the beautiful weather and blooming flowers, we wanted to provide you with our Spring Edition of Reaching Out. We hope that it will give you some valuable information that you can put to good use during the hazy days of summer. Leanne N. Fisher, an Associate in our…

Human Rights Update 2015

Materials Agenda With human rights-related litigation and Applications at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on the rise, employers and service providers alike must be prepared to address and manage these increasingly complex and critical issues within their organizations. From harassment and accommodation, to attendance management and benefits, human rights issues can impact a broad…