2098 Results

Ontario to Consult on Labour and Employment Reform

On February 17, 2015, the Ontario government announced the launch of public consultations to consider reforms to the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (“LRA”) and the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) in light of the “changing nature of the modern workplace.” In this FTR Now, we highlight key issues that will be under review, and how…

Ontario Publishes Review of AODA and Recommendations

On February 13, 2015, the Ontario government published a report on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) by Mayo Moran, Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College at the University of Toronto. The report constitutes the second legislative review of the AODA, and outlines her recommendations to the government, which include: renewal of…

Ontario to Launch Public Consultations on Labour and Employment Legislation

On February 17, 2015, the Ontario government announced the launch of public consultations on the Labour Relations Act, 1995 and Employment Standards Act, 2000. The consultations will include an examination of the following workplace issues: non-standard working relationships, including temporary jobs, part-time work, and self-employment; the service sector; globalization and trade liberalization; technological change; and…

City Did Not Breach Duty to Accommodate When it Declined Firefighters’ Request for Exception to Mandatory Retirement Policy

In a recent decision, Corrigan v. Corporation of the City of Mississauga [1], the Divisional Court dismissed an application for judicial review of a decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”), which found that the City of Mississauga did not breach its procedural duty to accommodate when it declined to accommodate suppression…

Supreme Court Expands “Freedom of Association” and Recognizes Right to Strike

In three decisions released in late January, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada has once again revisited, and expanded, the reach of section 2(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter“), which guarantees “freedom of association”. In two cases involving the RCMP, the Court held that the unique bargaining scheme imposed on…

2015 Pension, Benefits and Executive Compensation Update

Materials Hicks Morley Pension and Benefits 2015 Case Law Update PowerPoint Presentation Slides Agenda Strong performance throughout much of 2014 returned many employers and pension plans to a more solid footing. With the potential for significant economic change in 2015, employers and pension plan administrators will face both challenges and opportunities. This session will update…

Ontario Proposes PBA Regulations For Merging or Converting SEPPs into JSPPs

On January 20, 2015, the Ontario government released proposed new regulations (“proposed Regulations”) under the Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) for public comment. The proposed Regulations are designed to facilitate the merger of broader public sector (“BPS”) single employer pension plans (“SEPPs”) and jointly-sponsored pensions plans (“JSPPs”), either through (a) a transfer from the SEPPs to…

Ontario Consults on Mandatory LTD Insurance Regulations

On January 16, 2015, the Ontario Ministry of Finance launched a public consultation on regulations to support the new requirement to insure long-term disability benefits. As previously reported, the Ontario government passed as yet unproclaimed amendments to the Insurance Act requiring employers who provide their employees with long-term disability (“LTD”) plan benefits to insure the…

Court Upholds Two-Year Limit on LOE Benefits for Workers Age 63 or Older

The Ontario Divisional Court’s recent decision upholding the two-year limitation on loss of earnings (“LOE”) benefits for workers age 63 and older should reassure employers that Ontario courts take notice that LOE benefits are not meant to be paid for life. Section 43(1)(c) of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (“WSIA”) limits LOE entitlement for…