Firefighters’ Presumptive Legislation Now Applies To Volunteers

Effective November 4, 2009, the Ontario Government has expanded its presumptive occupational disease coverage legislation for firefighters to volunteer and part-time firefighters and to fire inspectors. This coverage will apply on the same terms and for the same diseases, in accordance with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (“WSIA”). This change will have very significant…

WSIB Launches SIEF Pilot Project

On September 21, 2009, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (“WSIB”) launched a pilot project implementing important new changes to the way it administers its Second Injury and Enhancement Fund (“SIEF”). In this FTR Now, we discuss the new SIEF administrative process. SIEF POLICY SIEF was established to provide cost relief to employers where a…

MOL to Target Slips, Trips and Falls in a School Board Safety Blitz

The Ministry of Labour (“MOL”) has announced a series of safety blitzes scheduled for November of 2009 that will target slips, trips and falls (“Falls”), and that may affect your schools. Inspectors will visit schools to discuss Falls and to review plans to prevent Falls, particularly in parking lots [1], and will focus on assessing…

Ban on Hand-Held Devices And Display Screens Starts In October

In our FTR Now of September 24, 2009, “Cell Phone and Blackberry Restrictions For Drivers Are Coming Into Force: Is Your Workplace Ready?,” we provided you with a detailed overview of the new legislation restricting the use of hand-held mobile technology devices and presence of display screens while driving. Yesterday, the Ontario Government announced that…

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE 2009 Hicks Morley School Board Conference Teaching Assignments for Principals Cyberbullying Probationary Employees EA Travel Time WSIB LOE Benefits for Retirees Pay Equity Retiring Gratuities School Board Governance Grouped Classes 2009 HICKS MORLEY SCHOOL BOARD CONFERENCE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009 On Friday, November 20, Hicks Morley will present its 2009 School…

Municipalities and Occupational Diseases

Occupational disease claims can be very expensive for Schedule 2 employers, particularly those that have a fire department. However, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Tribunal (WSIAT) has recently provided employers with some relief from the costs of occupational disease claims. BACKGROUND In 2007, the Provincial Government passed Bill 221, which introduced a presumption that various…

Ontario Government Introduces Workplace Violence Legislation

On April 20, 2009, the Ontario Government introduced amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act) to address workplace violence and harassment. If passed, Bill 168, the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace), 2009, would require employers to develop policies to address workplace violence and harassment and to…

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE EFTO Bargaining Support Paid Religious Leave Management’s Rights Job Qualifications of Teachers Union Dues Trustee Conflict of Interest Damages for Maximum Class Size Violations Access to Adverse Reports Workers’ Compensation Claims and the Human Rights Code ETFO BARGAINING SUPPORT Public district school boards have less than a month in which to reach…