2098 Results

International Employment Lawyer Newsletter Publishes an Article by Michael Hines

An article by Hicks Morley’s Michael Hines was published in the September edition of International Employment Lawyer Newsletter. In the article entitled, “Canada – Freedom of Association under the Charter: Snake or Tree?“, Michael discusses recent contradictory judicial decisions concerning the “right to strike” asserted under section 2(d) of the Charter as interpreted by the…

Information Bulletins on Anti-spam Legislation Published

Two information bulletins have been published by the Canadian Radio-Television Communications Commission (CRTC) to help businesses better understand Bill C-28, the federal anti-spam legislation. The bulletins include, among other things, examples of acceptable practices. As previously reported, Bill C-28 enacts comprehensive anti-spam legislation and specifically amends the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”)…

Operation of Pension and Benefit Plans do not Discriminate on the Basis of Age: Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Recent decisions of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”) provide welcome guidance for employers who have been confronted with allegations that provisions of their pension and benefit plans discriminate on the basis of age under the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”). In several decisions the Tribunal has held that some age-based distinctions…

October 1 Deadline to Display New Health and Safety Poster

Ontario employers must find room on their bulletin boards by October 1, 2012 to display a new Ministry of Labour poster entitled “Health and Safety at Work: Prevention Starts Here.” The poster was developed in response to a recommendation of the Expert Advisory Panel to review Ontario’s occupational health and safety system and summarizes key…

Ontario Releases Draft Compensation Restraint Legislation for Consultation

Earlier today, the Ontario Minister of Finance announced draft omnibus legislation, the Protecting Public Services Act, 2012 (the “Draft Bill”), that would implement new, substantially more restrictive compensation restraint measures, and impose a significant new provincially mandated collective bargaining regime, for the Broader Public Sector (“BPS”). Highlights of the Draft Bill include: Schedule 1 (enacting…

New PSFA Regulation Filed – Deductions From Wages

On September 21, 2012, the Ontario government filed a new regulation under the Putting Students First Act, 2012. O. Reg. 282/12 (Orders to Reimburse Boards – Deductions From Wages) applies with respect to the deduction, under subsection 9 (6) of the PSFA, from an employee’s wages for amounts the employee is required to reimburse to…

Discipline, Not Termination, More Appropriate in Case of Single Incident of Misconduct

In a case that has garnered much attention, Barton v. Rona Ontario Inc., the Ontario Superior Court has found that discipline of a managerial employee would have been a more effective sanction than termination where that employee, in a single incident of misconduct, breached the employer’s health and safety rules. At the time of the…