Recent Minimum Standards Cases of Note

In this Minimum Standards Monitor, we discuss two recent cases of interest to employers. In the first, an arbitrator found that an employee returning from maternity/parental leave was not entitled to the exact same work conditions which she left, even though the original job still existed. A comparable replacement position was sufficient…

Federal Government Introduces Bill to Legalize Cannabis

On April 13, 2017, the federal government introduced Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act. If passed, Bill C-45 will, among other things: permit persons age 18 and over to possess up to 30 grams of dried or fresh cannabis permit the government to authorize the possession, production, distribution, sale, importation and exportation of cannabis where authorized…

Ontario Proposes Regulatory Amendments to Prohibit Use of Medical Marijuana Vaporizers in Workplaces

On March 10, 2016, the Ontario government introduced Bill 178, Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2016. If passed, Bill 178 would amend the Smoke Free Ontario Act to provide for prescribed products and substances, in addition to tobacco. Among other things, Bill 178 would prohibit a person from smoking a prescribed product or substance or holding…

Arbitrator Dismisses Grievance over Denial of Benefit Reimbursement for Medical Marijuana

Arbitrator Sheehan recently dismissed a grievance by the Hamilton Professional Fire Fighters’ Association which asserted that the denial of a claim for payment of the grievor’s spouse’s medical marijuana breached the collective agreement. The grievor had submitted a claim to Manulife under the City of Hamilton’s benefit plan, seeking reimbursement for its costs. He had…