Budding Industry: Amendments to Cannabis Regulations Legalizing Edible Cannabis Coming Into Force

On October 17, 2019, one year after Canada legalized the sale and purchase of dried and fresh cannabis, oil, seeds, and plants, the government of Canada’s amendments to the Cannabis Regulations made under the federal Cannabis Act will come into force, establishing rules for the legal production and sale of three new classes of cannabis….

Ministry of Labour Consulting on “Safe at Work” Initiatives

The Ontario Ministry of Labour has announced a consultation entitled “Safe at Work Ontario 2020-21.” The Ministry is seeking information and input from stakeholders in response to specific questions related to the following issues: Hazards The Ministry has identified the top 10 occupational health and safety issues and violations in the workplace. It is asking…

Family Status and Accommodation

Family status is one of fastest growing areas of human rights law. Increasingly, adjudicators are focusing on whether employers have met their procedural obligations under the Human Rights Code. The following checklist will help you develop an effective internal process for assessing and responding to requests for accommodation on the basis of family status.

Gender Identity and Gender Expression

Gender identity and gender expression are protected grounds under Ontario’s Human Rights Code (Code). While the law in this area is highly dynamic, this Client Toolkit provides employers with guidelines and best practices for understanding its unique aspects, supporting trans people in the workplace, and ensuring compliance with the Code.

Ontario Health and Safety Regulations Amended

On June 10, 2019, the Ontario government filed a number of amendments to regulations made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. O. Reg. 186/19 replaces the “Equivalency” provision of Regulation 851 (Industrial Establishments) with a new provision entitled “Alternative methods and materials.” It now requires employers to provide written notice to the joint health…