Speaking Engagement

CAPSLE Conference 2017

April 30, 2017 - May 2, 2017

Panel Discussion called “Human Rights in Education: Successes and Challenges” Co-Presenting a session called “Skills and Pills: An educator’s guide to navigating the intersection between student mental health accommodation, privacy law and pedagogies for student success”

Speaking Engagement

Topic Attendance Management Programs and Avoiding Legal Pitfalls The one hour session will review the issues related to developing and implementing an Attendance Management Program.  This often raises problems with union grievances, or human rights complaints, therefore a good understanding of the human rights code and accommodation principles, as well as some WSIB and ESA…

Speaking Engagement

Topic Global Workforces, Employment Policies and Practices in an International Economy: From country to country, there are significant differences in the regulation in the employment relationship, the hurdles to changing terms of employment, the protection of intellectual property, obstacles to termination, and the role of unions and representative bodies, all of which complicates the trend…

Speaking Engagement

The Assessment and Resource Centres of Ontario (ARC’s: RARC and NOARC) are very excited to bring another High Incidence Disabilities Conference at the newly renovated Marriott Courtyard hotel in downtown Toronto. The two day event will include several well respected and prominent keynote speakers in the fields of mental health, learning disabilities, and ADHD as…

Speaking Engagement

The first major re-design of the CPP in many years is set to be phased in starting in 2019 when higher employer and employee contributions kick in. The stated intention of the enhancement is to boost retirement income in light of concerns that Canadians are not saving enough for retirement, but the full effect of the enhancement won’t be felt until the next generation of workers retires…

Conference / Seminar

Every employer has a fear that a plaintiff (or plaintiffs!) will come out of the wood work with a claim from years ago, when all of the witnesses and maybe even the key documents are long gone. But do not fear. The law of limitations can help, if you know what to do and have the right targeted strategy…

Speaking Engagement

It’s crucial that you’re up to speed on the latest in harassment law, especially the newly expanded harassment provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. We’ve lined up a panel of leading practitioners to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the changes—including practical implications, helpful tips, and practice insights—whether you act for employees,…