Advantage CPD: Permanently Disabled from Policing: Accommodation or Termination?

Please note registration for this event is now closed. Fee: Complimentary Overview Police services boards have recently been faced with a growing number of members who have been determined to be completely disabled from police work. It is important for boards to understand their obligations in terms of accommodating these members, their options with regards…

Sexual Harassment Incident Response Training: Theory and Practice (Part 1)

Please note registration for this event is now closed. Fee: $175.00 plus $22.75 (13% HST) Total $197.75 per person Overview Allegations of sexual harassment can arise in any workplace, at any time – and when they do, a poorly executed response can lead to significant liability. Ensuring your organization’s incident response strategy is effective will…

Attendance Management Training Workshop 101

Please note registration for this event is now closed. Fee: $175.00 plus $22.75 (13% HST) Total $197.75 per person Overview Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces and it can impact productivity and morale in the workplace. In addressing absenteeism issues, employers must be aware of the interplay between their…

Advantage CPD: Federal Pay Equity Webinar

Please note registration for this event is now closed. Fee: Complimentary Overview With the introduction of the federal Pay Equity Act (Act), many federally regulated employers will soon be subject to a proactive pay equity scheme. The Act comes into force on August 31, 2021 and employers should be preparing for the expected changes. Format In this…

Advantage CPD: Hot Topics in Health and Safety

Since the beginning of the pandemic, compliance with occupational health and safety obligations remains critical as enforcement measures increase, workers become more concerned about the safety of the workplace and the nature of workplace hazards continues to shift. Join our health and safety experts as they guide you through some of the key employer obligations under health and safety legislation, common questions, and current issues facing employers.

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

The session will include instructional components, video demonstrations and discussion regarding strategies to deal with issues that can arise when conducting investigations. Attendees at this session will receive a detailed digital manual entitled, “Hicks Morley’s Guide to Conducting Investigations into Workplace Complaints.”

Religious Accommodation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression

Requests for accommodation based on an individual’s religious beliefs, gender identity and/or gender expression can present unique challenges. How you respond to these types of requests can mean the difference between a finding that suitable accommodations were offered and one that exposes your organization to significant liability. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind as it relates to religious accommodation, gender identity and gender expression.

Family Status Accommodation Requests

Requests for family status accommodation have become increasingly common in recent years, and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of requests are only expected to increase. Whether an employee requests accommodation due to the need to supervise their child during the day, provide increased support for an elderly parent, or care for a family member who has contracted the virus, it is critical that the employer respond in a manner consistent with the current state of the law on family status accommodation. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind when engaging in the accommodation process, both during the pandemic and beyond.