Hicks Morley Information & Privacy Post – Spring 2009

We’re happy to publish the first 2009 edition of the Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Post! As usual, we have summarized the most recent and notable cases relating to privacy and access to information, protection of confidential business information and the law of production. So what’s new? Much has been said about Leduc v. Roman,…

Ontario Government Introduces Workplace Violence Legislation

On April 20, 2009, the Ontario Government introduced amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act) to address workplace violence and harassment. If passed, Bill 168, the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace), 2009, would require employers to develop policies to address workplace violence and harassment and to…

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE EFTO Bargaining Support Paid Religious Leave Management’s Rights Job Qualifications of Teachers Union Dues Trustee Conflict of Interest Damages for Maximum Class Size Violations Access to Adverse Reports Workers’ Compensation Claims and the Human Rights Code ETFO BARGAINING SUPPORT Public district school boards have less than a month in which to reach…

What Educational Organizations And Regulatory Bodies Need To Know About Proposed AODA Standard

In late 2008, a proposed new standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”) was released for public comment. The proposed Accessible Information and Communications Standard (the “Standard”) addresses all manner of conveyance of information and communications, whether orally, in print or electronic, and will impose a variety of requirements and…

Ontario Government Announces Pension Funding Relief

Spurred on by the current economic unrest, the Ontario Government announced yesterday that it will introduce legislation in early 2009 to provide pension plans with solvency funding relief. Following on the heels of the release of the Report of the Expert Commission on Pensions, the proposed temporary solvency relief is intended to better ensure the…

Enjoying a Safe Holiday Season

The holiday season is once again upon us. While some employers may be scaling back on festivities this year, it remains as important as ever that employers take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other celebrations. Over the years, a number of court decisions have…

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE Hicks Morley Negotiation Support Services Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Defers to Special Education Tribunal Occasional Teacher Timetables Duties of Principals Burden of Proof in Discharge Cases Accommodation of Religious Holidays TPA Arbitration and Motion for Non-Suit School Security and Office Staff HICKS MORLEY NEGOTIATION SUPPORT SERVICES Did you know that more…

Ontario and BC Privacy Commissioners Release Guidance on Violence Prevention at Universities and Colleges

The Ontario and BC Privacy Commissioners have released a Practice Tool for Exercising Discretion in the context of violence prevention at universities, colleges and other educational institutions. A copy of the Practice Tool can be found here. The Practice Tool is an important part of the Commissioners’ attempts to educate institutions about their abilities to…

Cloud Computing, Second Life and the University

This short university sector bulletin raises an important policy issue about setting rules that govern the choice faculty and staff have in using the internet to perform their jobs. We would like to raise and invite a policy discussion on the legal issues raised by “cloud computing” and the increasing business use of consumer-marketed internet…