The Conference Board of Canada: Compensation Research Centre

This meeting has been designed to provide members of the Compensation Research Centre with: The Conference Board of Canada’s economic and compensation outlooks for 2017. An update on recent and upcoming trends in employment law that will impact rewards. New thinking in executive compensation, total rewards analytics and total rewards design. A chance to hear…

Advantage CPD: Never Say Never – How the Law of Limitations Can Protect You

Every employer has a fear that a plaintiff (or plaintiffs!) will come out of the wood work with a claim from years ago, when all of the witnesses and maybe even the key documents are long gone. But do not fear. The law of limitations can help, if you know what to do and have the right targeted strategy…

Twenty-Sixth Annual Police Employment Conference – Emerging Issues and Legal Developments

Topics Use of Force, Accommodation, and Undue Hardship Can a police officer without her use of force be accommodated in policing? What accommodation options are available in larger and smaller services? What evidence would be necessary to demonstrate that accommodation is possible? What evidence would be necessary to demonstrate that accommodation would be undue hardship?…

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2017 Labour Relations Seminar

Over the course of two days, chief fire officers, senior municipal officials and human resource professionals hear from a team of legal experts, fire chiefs from across Ontario, and renowned international speakers that give insight, up-to-date knowledge and guidance into a wide range of labour relations issues that are currently impacting the fire service. Throughout…