Webcast: Coping with Violent Behaviours in the Classroom: Safety Issues for Staff and other Students in the Special Education Context

Complimentary This webcast responds to a number of requests following our last webcast, After Keewatin: The Use of Exclusions, and reflects the reality that there are increasing numbers of students whose disabilities give rise to violent outbursts and that this phenomenon is a growing challenge for special educators and for administration. We will review the…

Using the Discovery Process to Achieve Your Strategic Litigation Goals

Materials Agenda Discovery is a key stage of the litigation process. Through production of documents and examinations for discovery, you can build your case and determine the strength of the case against you. Your approach to discovery should be tailored to your case and should further your litigation strategy. In this session, we take you…

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2015 Labour Relations Seminar

Labour Relations is an annual seminar held in conjunction with Hicks Morley, a leading law firm in Canada who devote their practice exclusively to representing employers on human resource law and advocacy issues. Members of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, their municipal Human Resource staff and many Fire Chiefs and HR staff from across…

2015 Pension, Benefits and Executive Compensation Update

Materials Hicks Morley Pension and Benefits 2015 Case Law Update PowerPoint Presentation Slides Agenda Strong performance throughout much of 2014 returned many employers and pension plans to a more solid footing. With the potential for significant economic change in 2015, employers and pension plan administrators will face both challenges and opportunities. This session will update…

Human Rights in the School Board Sector

  Agenda Human rights issues are becoming increasingly complex and more difficult to understand and manage. As both employers and service providers, school boards are faced with human rights challenges on a daily basis. As employers, human rights issues can arise in a variety of contexts – from benefits to accommodation to attendance management. As…

Human Rights Update 2014: Accommodation and the Diverse Workforce

Materials Case Law Summaries PowerPoint Presentation Slides Agenda As the workforce in Ontario has become increasingly diverse, the range and complexity of accommodation issues facing Ontario employers have also grown substantially.  Keeping up with the continually-evolving legal landscape with respect to accommodation issues can be a challenge for many busy Corporate Counsel and Human Resources…

Workplace Investigation Training

  Fee – $750.00 plus $97.50 HST (13%), totalling $847.50 per person. Agenda This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents. Following instructional components, attendees will work, in small groups, through case scenarios designed to highlight strategies which can be used to deal with issues…

Ex-pats and Imports – International Employment Law 101 (Accredited)

  Materials Agenda What happens if you transfer employees from France to Canada? Does their employment by the Canadian subsidiary end their employment with the French subsidiary? Which country has jurisdiction over any disputes arising from the termination of employment? Can Canadian lawyers provide advice about the employee’s French employment? If you send an employee…