224 Results

Bill 119 – What You Need To Know

Bill 119, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008, makes insurance coverage mandatory for certain categories of persons operating in the construction industry (independent operators, sole proprietors, partners in partnerships and executive officers of a corporation). This FTR Now outlines these significant new changes and suggests the next steps individuals contracting with contractors and…

AODA Emergency Preparedness Guides and Compliance Reporting Tool Now Available

As we reported in our November 17, 2011 FTR Now “Are You Prepared for the AODA?,” private and not-for-profit sector organizations in Ontario with at least one employee were subject to a January 1, 2012 deadline to comply with the Customer Service Standards as well as the two emergency preparedness requirements under the Integrated Accessibility…

Filing Deadline Announced for AODA Customer Service Standards Accessibility Reports

On December 21, 2011, the Ontario government confirmed that private sector and not-for-profit organizations have until December 31, 2012 to file accessibility reports required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) Customer Service Standards regulation. The government also prepared “tip sheets” to assist organizations in meeting the emergency response requirements under the…

IPC/Ontario Issues Significant Order on Custody and Control of University Records under FIPPA

On November 7, 2011, the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario (“IPC”) issued a significant order for Ontario universities. It held that the IPC has exclusive jurisdiction to decide whether a record is in the custody or control of a university in the context of an access request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy…

School Board Update

IN THIS ISSUE Arbitrator Provides Helpful Award in Ontario’s First TPA Discharge Arbitration Divisional Court Re-Affirms the Importance of Time Limits Pay Equity Remains a Priority Legal Issue for School Boards Accommodating Scent Sensitivities in the Workplace Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Endorses Employer Control Over Accommodation Process Integrated Accessibility Standards under the AODA OMERS Omissions…

Are You Prepared for the AODA?

As the new year approaches, some key compliance deadlines under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA“) are also approaching. In this FTR Now, we review what needs to be done by employers by January 1, 2012. ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE By January 1, 2012, private and not-for-profit organizations should be in…

Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Highlights – Fall 2011

Welcome to the Fall 2011 Hicks Morley Information and Privacy Highlights! This second edition of our new re-vamped publication includes many note-worthy decisions, including Vaughan (City) (Re) , where the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario found that personal information received on an unsolicited basis is not “collected” for the purposes of the Municipal Freedom…

Personal information received on an unsolicited basis is not “collected”

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario issued a notable privacy investigation report this past summer under of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the “Act“). The complainants complained, amongst other things, that the Municipality in issue had improperly collected their personal information contained in correspondence they sent to the Municipality,…

Anti-spam Regulation Proposed Under Bill C-28

On July 9, 2011, the federal government published proposed Electronic Commerce Protection Regulations under Bill C-28, the so-called “anti-SPAM” legislation. The proposed Regulations are administrative in nature and specifically provide definitions for terms used in Bill C-28, including “personal relationship” and “family relationship”. The Regulations also define the specific conditions under which consent would be…